Tuesday, December 12, 2023



A.I. Woman

She’s not a natural woman she’s computer information

She’s certainly absolutely totally faked

Everything about her is factory made

She’s not a natural woman she’s computer animation

With a body to die for don’t die for her

You will be completely taken in

If you did you will only die in vain

A picture of perfection she’s a picture perfect mistake

Not a natural woman oh no you better believe it

Look at her closely you will see she’s totally faked

Everything she’s made of everything is factory made

She’s not a natural woman she’s computer generated

Perfect behind perfect smile perfect eyelashes perfect hairstyle

Don’t do me like that give me a break yes they are all fakes

A.I .generation is responsible for her walk like poetry in motion

Oh no she’s not natural she’s A.I. generation

Not a natural woman she’s A. I .generation.

She’s an A. I. woman.

Anthony S.Phillander©02122023

Saturday, December 02, 2023



She’s music

She’s shaking me like I am not awake

She’s rattling me like I am a snake

She’s rolling me like she feels I am a wheel

All over the world she got me shaking rattling and rolling

Deep down in my soul she keeps on rocking me

In a rocking chair not for a minute will she permit me to sit!

Keeping me on my feet she’s got me dancing night and day

She’s music with a driving rhythm whose beat I must obey

She’s shaking me like I am shake and bake

I can’t take it she’s rattling me like I am a snake

She’s rolling me around and around with her sound

Like a stone she’s got me rolling along gathering no thoughts

Deep down in my soul she’s rocking me

From a rocking chair she’s got me staying clear

Keeping me on my feet she got me dancing night and day

She’s music with a driving rhythm and I am a ship on the ocean

She’s music with a driving rhythm she’s magic

Although I am beat she’s won’t let me rest my feet

She’s music sweet music with a driving rhythm

To my ear she’s music she’s music sweet music to my ear.

Anthony S.Phillander©01122023

Thursday, November 30, 2023

To feel


To feel how I will feel

I will like to feel how I will feel if I feel you in my arms

Can I feel you in my arms to feel how I will feel?

I will like to feel how I will feel if I feel you in my arms

Am wondering how will I feel if I feel you in my arms

Am longing to feel the way I will feel

When I feel you in my arms

Can’t wait to feel the way I will feel

When I feel you in my arms

I will like to feel how I will feel if I feel you in my arms

Can I feel you in my arms to feel how I will feel?

I will like to feel how I will feel if I feel you in my arms

Am wondering how will I feel if I feel you in my arms

Am longing to feel the way I will feel

When I feel you in my arms

Can’t wait to feel the way I will feel

When I feel you in my arms

Feeling to feel like how it feels like holding you in my arms

Feeling you in my arms that feeling in driving me out of my mind

Feeling like feeling you in my arms to feel how I will feel

Holding you in my arms I will like to feel how I will feel.

Anthony S.Phillander©30112023

Monday, November 27, 2023

Entrance to


Entrance to temptation

You are opening your entrance to temptation

I am sure you know to temptation I have no resistance

Whenever I come around you open your entrance to temptation

I don’t want to enter still you keep leading me on

It’s been my observation you are a temptation

My tolerance for temptation happens to be non-existent

That’s why from you am doing my best to keep my distance

The moment am near you begin opening your temptation’s entrance

You are opening your entrance to temptation

I am certain you are aware to temptation I offer no resistance

I come around and you are opening your entrance to temptation

I am trying not to enter yet you continue leading me on

It’ been my observation you are a temptation

My tolerance for temptation it is non- existent

That’s why from you am doing my best to keep my distance

Every time I get close your entrance to temptation you open

I don’t want to still to enter your entrance to temptation

I can offer no resistance a lamb I am in the den of a lion

You continue opening your entrance to temptation

Whenever I come around you open your entrance to temptation.

Anthony S.Phillander©21112023

Thursday, October 19, 2023



    Timpimppimple Giggle

His name is Timpimppimple Giggle

All the girls their eyes he dazzles

They all think he should be a model

When he touches them they behave like little poodles

In his arms they all dream of being

In his arms they want to snuggle and cuddle

Whatever he desires willing they will offer

Whatever he ask of them for them it’s no trouble

His name is Timpimppimple Giggle

With acne and pimple they girls all thinks he’s adorable

Just the sight of him and they all swoon and sizzle

In his presence all of their inhibition fizzle

In his arms they want to snuggle and cuddle

In dreams of being in his arms they all revel 

When he calls them with joyful expectation they tremble

Being in his arm they melt flowing into oozing puddles

Timpimppimple Giggle he’s available yet unreachable

What a mysterious fellow this Timpimppimple Giggle

Timpimppimple Giggle the girls thinks he’s adorable

Giggling Timpimppimple Giggle what a fellow.

Anthony S.Phillander©18102023 

Saturday, October 14, 2023

In Central PARK


    In Central Park

Just after dark in central park

In harmony a symphony was playing a lively melody 

Up above in the distance the stars glittered brilliantly

Everyone was having fun enjoying the symphony

Sparks flew in central park  lightning up the night 

Our eyes met in our hearts passion instantly ignited  

In central park it was the beginning of our lives 

A symphony in central park sparked a fire in our hearts 

In central park just after dark

The symphony in harmony was playing an upbeat melody 

Getting in closer spontaneously we began dancing together

On the grass a firestorm burned molding our hearts forever   

A celebration in central park sparked a burning passion

Every day with desire for each other we are being consumed 

We are engulfed in and enjoying the flames of a passionate fire 

This eternal flame ignited in our hearts in central park 

We will forever remember how we met in the dark in central park

In our eyes the flames in our hearts glows like a four alarm fire

Just after dark we met one night in central park 

It was a grand celebration the night we met in central park.

Anthony S.Phillander©13102023

Friday, September 29, 2023



    Black and pretty

Black and pretty oh so very lovely

What a beauty look at you just heavenly

Outstanding gorgeous breathtaking a real cutie 

You are making other girls worry about your beauty

Go and ask your mommy she will tell you sweetie

Daddy is telling you that you are black and pretty

Black and pretty yes you are indeed remarkable baby

Really you are baby you are pretty as your dolly 

Black and pretty so wonderful so lovely

So angelic just heavenly oh look at you my baby

So pretty breathtaking outstanding a true cutie

Little girl believe your daddy you are black and pretty

Go on ask your mommy she will agree with daddy

Daddy is telling you that you are black and pretty

Black and pretty you truly are my wonderful baby

You are pretty as your dolly yes you are sweetie

Smile baby am taking a photogenic perfect picture

Black and pretty picture perfect look at it so lovely

Yes you are black and pretty baby

Black and pretty, pretty, pretty.

Anthony S.Phillander©29092023

Saturday, September 16, 2023



     A delicious dish

On the menu you presents mouthwatering possibilities

You looks edible you look savory my palette’s hungry

I can feast on you for eternity my appetite I cannot satiate

I am salivating thinking of partaking in this banquet 

What an exquisite delicious dish you can fulfill my culinary wish

My eyes are overwhelmed you are truly an inviting buffet

My tongue will have a party in my mouth my taste will shout

Stop giggling I will begin by nibbling on your ear

I saw you and I saw mouthwatering possibilities 

You are a delicious main course you are not a side dish 

I will relish feasting on such a delicious dish what a treat

I cannot wait to grab a bite sink my teeth and begin my feast

You can fulfill my culinary wish what an exquisite dish

A mouthwatering sumptuous inviting exquisite lavish banquet 

I will be nibbling you will be giggling and tickling my palette 

I am famished I will be happily eating to my heart’s content 

You can fulfill any connoisseurs wish what a delicious dish 

I am relishing partaking in the bounty of your delicious feast

Mouthwatering you are a mouthwatering delicious dish.

Anthony S.Phillander©16092023

Tuesday, September 12, 2023



       A bag of sugar

She’s got a bag of sugar

A little sugar that’s all I want from her

For a little sugar she’s making me suffer

From her bag she won’t even give me a little sugar

She’s got more sugar than she will ever need

No matter how hard I beg and plead she’s so mean

A little sugar she’s finding it so hard to give

From her bag a little sugar she won’t even offer to me

She’s got a bag of sugar 

From her bag not much all I want is just a little

Making me suffer how I hunger for a little of her sugar

From her bag of sugar she won’t share a little with me 

She’s got enough sugar to sweeten the whole city

Begging and pleading still to me she’s being so mean

Just a little sugar she’s finding it so very hard to give

From her bag of sugar not much a little will sweeten my coffee

Look at her she’s got a whole bag of sugar 

I know she won’t miss it if she gives me a little

Pretty please from your bag can I have some sugar please? 

A whole bag she’s got a bag of sugar

Look at her she’s so darn sweet.

Anthony S.Phillander©10092023

Thursday, September 07, 2023



Talkers are imaginary illusionist

All of their dreams remains mirages in the distance

Because of their lack of action

Talkers are deadweights their tongues are all they activate

Talkers are pots they are always sitting on their bottoms 

Talkers the only action they perform is wagging their tongues

Talkers their actions are like the dinosaur it’s extinct

Talkers are rock solid they will not move from where they are planted 

Talkers are like a well laid foundation movement is out of the question

Talkers are in possession of a natural aversion to action

Talkers talks a good game it’s their execution that pulls up lame

Talkers are like a silent night their tongue are the only thing that whispers

Talkers revels in armchair commentary the thrill of battlefield victory 

They will never see

Talkers got a millstone around their minds it never inspire them to action

Talkers excels at sitting they are always failing to take action 

Talkers are armchair warriors reveling in victory from the comfort of their easy chair  

Talkers are full of hot air for taking action they lacks the hardware

Talkers are the architects of illusion in reality they never begin construction

Pipe dreamers that’s another name that can be interchanged for talkers

Talkers are pipe dreamers.

Anthony S.Philllander©07092023 

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Winning ticket


       Winning ticket

You are my winning ticket  

You picked me and I hit the jackpot

Lady luck you smiled on me and I was bought

With you the winning ticket I have got

I used to think the only luck I got was naught

In one moment all that changed on the spot

On the pinnacle of joy you got me on the top

Looking at you to my lucky stars I tip my hat 

You are my winning ticket

When you pick me instantly I hit the jackpot

Lady luck smiled on me and I smiled right back

With you I won you are my winning ticket

I used to think I was a stranger to good luck

Luck became friendly to me now am in the clouds

I have got a trillion dollar smile with you by my side

You got the stars in my eyes glittering like diamonds

My winning ticket you are my winning ticket

You are my winning ticket it’s wonderful

My winning ticket you surely are

You are my winning ticket.

Anthony S.Phillander©31082023


Saturday, August 26, 2023

Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Amazing change


Amazing change here there and everywhere you are 

Even if we wish to run there’s no place to hide from you 

We are in awe try as we may you just cannot be ignored

Change like waves on the ocean you are in constant motion

Amazing change you are revolutionizing the world

The world revolving around you and oh what a journey

You are making the familiar strange routines you rearrange

Change in your hands magnificently the future unfolds

Amazing change you never ceases to amaze us seriously

From one moment to the next you change completely

You are forever changing what is into what used to be

Relentlessly you are changing reality into history

Amazing change you are the nemesis of the status quo

Stagnation also happens to be one of your biggest foe

From dark skies you bring the bright new morning glow

Change amazing change wow just look at you

Amazing change you we admire you are spectacular  

You can transform a desert in a meadow green and lush

On a rut you cause havoc transforming mediocrity into the extraordinary

Amazing change our gaze is focused on you and oh what a view

Amazing change way to go we are in awe you got us mesmerized

You got us completely amazed continue doing what you do change.       

Anthony S.Phillander©15072023 

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Loving Myself


         I am loving myself

Check myself in the mirror

I am loving myself party on my mind 

Dressed to the nines in my costume

Looking fine am on my way to meet my band

I meet my band and its ruction the parade has began

Music food rum pulsating rhythms

It’s a sea of color for as far as your eyes can see 

All day on the road is going to be a big party  

Check myself in the mirror

I am loving what I see I am loving myself

Costume fitting perfectly looking majestically 

Can’t wait to jump in the band and begin the action

I meet my band and they are carrying on 

Wining jumping dancing drinking singing this is thing bring rhythm

Girls and boys men and women everyone having fun

On the road we will be partying on and on and on

Loving myself check myself in the mirror what a picture

Check myself in the mirror loving myself

Like a man on a mission loving myself

My mission is to party until I don’t know when?

Anthony S.Phillander©21022023 

Sunday, July 30, 2023



    The vehicle it’s electric

The vehicle it’s electric it’s friendly environmentally 

Lightning in a battery powers it endlessly

When you turn the key it ignites and defies gravity

It’s electric instantly it will launch you into orbit

It’s electric it’s just futuristic stylish vibrant dynamic

The future is now get with it jump in prepare for a trip 

Its electric it’s intergalactic it’s hyper and it’s supersonic

Earth cannot do it justice in space it’s got room to race

Its electric kinetic enthusiastic meteoric epic ballistic 

Look at it it’s terrific its gigantic just think about it

Its quick its magic it hops it skips it jumps check it

It’s zippy it’s peppy it’s fantastic It’s energetic, it’s hectic,  

It’s electric it’s a bullet about to hit its target

It’s automatic it’s a rocket ship about to liftoff into the mist 

It’s swift and it’s shifty it’s nippy its nifty it’s implicit

It’s explicit its exquisite it’s emblematic it’s hypnotic


Look at it you better believe it oh yes it’s electric

Its electric the outer limits for it is a hop and a skip

From spark to lift off it jumps before you can say jack rabbit its smoke free packed with energy

Keep your eyes o it, it's lightning it will disappear quick, quick

Like I said the vehicle it’s electric.

Anthony S.Phillander©20062023

Friday, July 28, 2023

DARK and Delicious


  Dark and 


Dark and delicious taste fabulous

With a bouquet that sumptuous

Supple on the pallet smooth as velvet

An aroma that leaves you breathless 

Exquisite dark chocolate

For those that require the finest life has to offer 

Available only at specialty shops and luxurious boutiques

Indulge in the very best you deserve it yes you are worth it 

Dark and delicious mysterious

Taste it and you will discover that it’s fabulous 

It’s got a bouquet that’s supple on the pallet

Smooth as velvet savor its inviting flavor 

Exquisite dark chocolate 

Its aroma will leave you breathless

Have yourself a treat a feast for your senses 

Yes you are worth it indulge in the very best you deserve it 

Dark and delicious chocolate exquisite

Indulge in the finest the very best chocolate 

It’s dark and delicious.

Anthony S.Phillander©27112019


Tuesday, July 25, 2023




    Go Big or go home

Go Big or go home live large don’t live small

Don’t live small always crawling around for crumbs

Think and go Big even if you think you can lose it all go Big

Go Big or go to fact home don’t even go if you are not going Big

Why be insignificant forever hiding in your comfort zone

Out on the limb out in public that’s where the rewards situated

You must take Big risk when you intend to win Big it’s a fact

You go small you win small in fact don’t go at all if you are going small 

Go Big or go home live large don’t live small

Live large don’t live small it’s a waste of time go home or go Big

It’s a waste of time even beginning to think of going small 

In fact going Big is the only way to go

Abandon your comfort zone step into the Big leagues 

Stand tall quit hiding in the background thinking and being small

Think Big don’t go home go Big and go out and win Big

Go Big or go to fact home where you belong if you intend to go small

Go Big or go home adults exists in the Big leagues 

Infants stays at home and play in their play pen 

Go Big if you are an adult if you are going small stay home

Go Big or go in fact if you are going small go home.

             Anthony S.Phillander©18072023 

Monday, July 17, 2023

Rock And Ro

              Rock and roll me

Rock and roll me till kingdom come
Constantly keep continually jamming me with constant rhythm
Lift my soul and transport me to another dimension 
Rock me roll me until my head’s inflated and I become airborne

Roll me rock me until the rhythm take control of me
Let the rhythm enfold me in the vortex of its melody
Let me be free to revel in a rock and roll frenzy for eternity
Rock me roll me until the rhythm take control of me

Rock and roll me till kingdom come
Keep me busy continuously keep jamming me with constant rhythm 
Constantly lift my soul and transport me to another dimension
Rock and roll me let the constant rhythm constantly fill my eardrum

Roll me rock me until the rhythm take complete control of me
In the vortex of its melody let the rhythm completely enfold me
Set me free to revel in a rock and roll frenzy for eternity wowee
Rock me roll me until the rhythm possess me completely

Rock and roll me till kingdom come and then some
Until then just keep bringing the rhythm bring rhythm
Bring the rhythm rock and roll me till kingdom come
Till kingdom come rock and roll me.

Anthony S.Phillander©13062023

Monday, July 10, 2023




        Living my best life

I am living my best life

Am living my best life and loving the life am living

Loving every minute of living my best life

Right now presently I am living my best life

I  am finding life is breathtaking every minute am living

Living in the moment and enjoying every minute

Tomorrow and yesterday I am no longer concerned with

Every breathtaking moment I feel so alive every minute

I am living my best life

Presently right now it’s my best life I am living

I am living my best life and wow I am just enjoying it 

Loving every second every moment every minute of my best life


I am finding life is breathtaking every minute I am living

Living in the moment and enjoying every minute

Yesterday and tomorrow I no longer notice they don’t exist

Got my eyes on every breathtaking moment and just living it 

Am living it am enjoying living  it am living my best life

Are you passing time are you just existing or are you living it?

Are you living your best life if not then why not what’s your excuse?

Why aren’t you living your best life I am living my best life.

Anthony S.Phillander©10072023

Thursday, July 06, 2023

Jenny's Guitar

           Jenny’s guitar

Jenny's guitar’s known and can be heard around the world

A  true super star people love to hear Jenny play her guitar

Sweet like sugar with her fingers like quicksilver 

When Jenny plays her guitar violins bow in surrender

Such a pleasure for the ear to encounter Jenny playing her guitar   

Learning by trial and error she’s become a marvelous wonder

The moment the band strikes up on the strings she’s a firecracker

She’s carving a lane for herself with room for no other

Jenny’s guitar her sound is unique personal it’s spectacular

Guitarist pretenders runs for cover wherever Jenny appears

On the guitar Jenny’s fierce she puts challengers in their place

In awe and wonder from the sideline they marvel at her 

Jenny and her guitar you can’t tell one from the other

They are a romance made of melody rhythm and song

Tickling and strumming sweetly she makes her guitar hum 

Then she unleashes a firestorm and raises the roofs of stadiums

Jenny’s guitar is driving violins crazy they are green with envy

They are aware that people prefer Jenny‘s guitar because it’s sweeter

Gathering dust in a corner Violin they are no match for Jenny’s guitar

Jenny’s guitar the world over people enjoy hearing Jenny’s guitar.

Anthony S.Phillander©06072023

Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Yon think You CAN



So you think 

  You can win

So you think you can win

Yes you can because you think you can

You are thinking like a winner

Winning all begins with thinking you can

Thinking you can win it’s a winning decision

With a winning attitude of mind you have already won 

Think you can and you will win

To begin winning you must think you can win

So you think you can win

Because you think you can you will win

Think like a winner become what you think

Thinking you can that’s where winning begins 

Thinking you can fuels your drive to win

You have already won with a winning attitude of mind

You will win when you think you can win

Think you can and go out and make winning happen

To win you have got to think you can

Think you can?

Anthony S.Phillander©28082018

Monday, July 03, 2023



   Fire in her furnace

Again she’s got fire in her furnace

Being generous on my day off for her I have done this

There was a fuel problem with her furnace and I fix it

In her furnace her fire I have re lit

Outside it was freezing and I received her message

Her message said I need service can I come quick  

Without hesitation I was at her door in under a minute

In the furnace business I am number one on the list

Again she’s got fire in her furnace

As a man of service for her it’s my duty to do this 

Finding a problem with her fuel immediately I fix it

In her furnace her fire I have re lit

I am freezing that’s the message from her I got 

Outside freezing cold and my furnace just quit

Fixing furnaces it’s the reason I am in business

Again she’s warm and cozy her furnace I fixed in a hurry

From floor to ceiling heat is rising warming up everything

From ear to ear she’s smiling she’s no longer freezing

Again there’s fire in her furnace and heat is rising

In her furnace her fire I have re lit.

Anthony S.Phillander03062023



Friday, June 30, 2023

Hit it hit a home run.


              Hit it

       Hit a home run

Hit it get it done hit a home run

Get it done hit it hit a home run 

Go on hit it hit a home run 

Quit fooling around take it all the way

Never do it half way that’s doing it all wrong

Take it all the way get it done

Go on hit it hit a home run

Do it with passion you will have fun

Put in the extra effort you can do it now come on

Don’t strike out get it won

Go on hit it hit a home run

Focus your vision and hit it out of the ball park

Just imagine hearing the roaring applause of the fans

You are up to the challenge get in there get it done

Go on hit it hit a home run

Take it to the limit and beyond

Ignite your persistence and to the end hold on

Claim your well- deserved reward you are a champion

Go on hit it hit a home run get it done

Seal your victory with unwavering action

Do not leave unfinished business on hand

Hit it get it done hit a home run

Get it done hit it hit a home run.

Anthony S.Phillander©27062023

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Smelling Good

     Smelling good

You are smelling good to eat like butter cookies 

Smelling like chocolate covered candy savory

Smelling like a confectionary factory tasty

Smelling like you are good to eat smelling very, very, sweet

You are smelling good to eat smelling like a banquet of sweet treats

You are smelling like a Christmas feast your perfume is very sweet

Like roses in bloom the atmosphere you perfume fragrantly

You are smelling sweet like spring lingering in the month of June

You are smelling good to eat like a banana split

Smelling like a banquet full of sweet treats

You are smelling like a thanksgiving feast

Your perfume is truly smelling sweet very sweet

You perfume the atmosphere like roses in bloom

It’s refreshing your entrance into any room

You are smelling like spring lingering into the month of June

Your fragrance its essence is essentially exquisite

Smelling good you are smelling good to eat like a tender loin steak

You are smelling like a perfume still, an exquisite feast for the nostril

You are smelling like iced cream and cake smelling good very good

Smelling good very good.

Anthony S.Phillander©24062023 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Her Water's wet, wet, wet


 Her water’s wet, wet, wet    .

Her water’s wet, wet, wet.

Feeling her water’s viscosity it’s smooth like velvet

Run your fingers and it easily slips through it

The touch of her water is just exquisite

Her water it’s like no other

Although it quenches your thirst it leaves you wanting more

Sip her water at your leisure if you want it to last longer

If your throat becomes dry hers is the best water to try

Her water’s wet, wet, wet.

She’s got the wettest water you will find anywhere

If you find a wetter water bring it let her compare 

I dare you to find a better water than she’s got here

Her water it’s unlike any other water

It quenches your thirst still it leaves you wanting more 

Leisurely sip her water and prolong your drinking pleasure

Hers is the best water to try any time you find your throat is dry 

Wet, wet, wet her water is extremely yes it very wet

Her water’s wet, wet, wet give her a try

Buy a bottle from her and you will be satisfied  

From her just a bottle you can buy.

Anthony S.Phillander©20062023

Monday, June 05, 2023

Jam me wit BRASSS


    Jam me with brass

Jam me with brass stick me with them horns

Let my eardrums ricochet with vibration from the trombone

Let me feel the squeal of the guitars way down in my soul 

With them trumpets transport me to another world 

With the majestic mystical magical magic of the saxophone

Mystify me pound the piano keys way in tomorrow then let it flow

Let it flow until it explode into a flowing raging river of tempo

Unchain the rhythm then let it roam beyond destinations unknown

In a ring down battle between the horns trumpets trombone 

Piano guitars drums and saxophone it’s a battle for musical control

Each one on a mission to out gun the other and become the champion

Musical supremacy got them in a frenzy to find the sweetest melody

Jam me with brass stick me with them horns blowup my eardrum

With them drums jam me with rhythm keep jamming me with rhythm

Put out an all -points bulletin arrest boredom wherever it is found  

With this music there’s no reason to stand around looking forlorn 

It’s a musical explosion dynamic with vibrant vibrations

Drums trumpets guitar trombone horn piano saxophone 

Rhythms that’s driving everyone in the world out of control

Don’t play the just keep dropping rhythm jam till kingdom come

Do it fast jam, jam, jam, just, jam me with brass.

Anthony S.Philllander©28052023

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

My Vote?


           My vote

If I give you my vote

What will you be giving me in return

If I give you my vote and you won tell me

Will you honor you promise and give me good representation

Will you be available can I count on you

Will you return calls or will you give me the run around

Will you be honorable and do as you said you will do

Will I have to search for you will you leave me in the lurch

If I give you my vote

What are you willing to provide for me in return?

My vote give me reasons why you think you deserve my vote 

I am open convince me why it’s imperative that I give you my vote

To me my vote is valuable I don’t invest it thoughtlessly 

Are your promises illusions mere mirages in the distance?

Can I bank on your promises are they words of substance

Do you stand on your word will they withstand the test of time 

Election alert candidates it’s my vote if you want my vote

Tell me what you got will it be worth my while to give you my vote

Mister Mrs. and Miss Candidate you got my undivided attention!

The race is on my vote is available to the deserving applicant

The candidate that reasonably answers my questions gets my vote.

Anthony S.Philllander©24052023

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Yesterday's News

                       Yesterday’s news

They were saying we are yesterday’s news

Now like a phoenix from the ashes we rose

They were saying to history our memory is confined

We are back on top and like the stars we shine

They thought that time had left us behind

Now here we stand with the future firmly in our hands

They thought we were past tense now we are trending 

We occupy the leading edge and they are astounded 

They were saying we are yesterday’s news

Across all media platform now we are in our renaissance 

The proof of our revival they all can freely peruse

It was indeed premature that new they had of our demise

They thought we were destined for the scrap heap

They did not notice our inner strength and survival instinct

They thought we were crows in reality we are eagles

They were saying we are from a bygone era that’s and error

Contrary to what they say we are in command of the future

They were saying we are write offs that’s a misnomer

We say we got the right stuff

Our era it’s the future

they say we were yesterday's news now on the frontlines

on the headlines we stand  predominate.

Anthony S.Phillander©25052023

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

waiting for yesterday


         Waiting for yesterday to comeback

I am waiting for yesterday to comeback

So far I am not having much luck

Try as I may it seems that I am stuck

I am stuck waiting for yesterday to comeback

Yesterday Roses is what life was coming up

Between the eyes today reality’s giving me a big smack

Beautiful memories of yesterday’s got me looking back

Yesterday why are you constantly doing me like that?

I am waiting for yesterday to comeback

So far I am not having any luck its tough

Try as I may it seems that I am always stuck with today

I am stuck with today waiting for yesterday to comeback

Yesterday all Roses is what life was coming up

Between the eyes today reality’s giving me a big smack

Beautiful memories of yesterday got me looking back

Yesterday tell me why you are doing me like that

Waiting I am waiting for yesterday to comeback

Yesterday are you coming back tomorrow can I count on you

Will you be coming back tomorrow yesterday?

I am stuck with today waiting for yesterday to comeback.

Anthony S.Phillander©09012023


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...