Thursday, October 19, 2023



    Timpimppimple Giggle

His name is Timpimppimple Giggle

All the girls their eyes he dazzles

They all think he should be a model

When he touches them they behave like little poodles

In his arms they all dream of being

In his arms they want to snuggle and cuddle

Whatever he desires willing they will offer

Whatever he ask of them for them it’s no trouble

His name is Timpimppimple Giggle

With acne and pimple they girls all thinks he’s adorable

Just the sight of him and they all swoon and sizzle

In his presence all of their inhibition fizzle

In his arms they want to snuggle and cuddle

In dreams of being in his arms they all revel 

When he calls them with joyful expectation they tremble

Being in his arm they melt flowing into oozing puddles

Timpimppimple Giggle he’s available yet unreachable

What a mysterious fellow this Timpimppimple Giggle

Timpimppimple Giggle the girls thinks he’s adorable

Giggling Timpimppimple Giggle what a fellow.

Anthony S.Phillander©18102023 

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