Saturday, July 20, 2024

You Rule


You rule

You rule don’t be a fool

Take no instructions from anyone

Be the leader of yourself follower of no one

Master yourself over yourself assume total control

You are an individual unique

You are not one of many not a facsimile

You are a one and only there’s no mold

You are beyond comparison

You rule you won’t learn this in school

From yourself knowledge to you it will be known

You must not be molded to suit the world

Master yourself over yourself assume the leadership role

You are your priority make this your reality

For no one must you become a tool

For yourself make this your golden rule

You are the C.E.O. of you this is absolutely true

You rule you are not a subject

You rule yes you are sovereign

Exercise self-mastery take charge

Rule yourself accept self-responsibility yes you rule.

Anthony S.Phillander©2002562024

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