Sunday, January 20, 2019

Wednesday, January 02, 2019


Facts are factual accurate absolute resolute
Steadfast Durable definitive complete genuine
Immovable unchangeable transparent ideal
Uncompromised indisputable unwavering

Influential Immutable indissoluble impregnable
Unbreakable indivisible invincible illustrious
Impenetrable remarkable reliable resilient immaculate
Impeccable Incorruptible distinguishable foundational

Monumental formidable undoubtable impartial inextinguishable
Honest encompassing indelible incontestable inerasable
Indispensable riveting undefeatable indefeasible
Irrefutable irreplaceable irrepressible imperturbable

Inescapable inexorable inexpugnable impervious
Ineluctable inelastic ineradicable insistent implacable
Incomparable infallible Irreversible imperishable irrefutable
Inerrable insurmountable inextricable imposing inflexible

Facts are Bonafide from facts
There’s nowhere to run it’s an absolute certainty
From facts there’s nowhere to hide
In fact facts are facts by the way facts are strangers to fiction.

Anthony S.Phillander©21122018

Times Square

  I n Times Squ a re I met you there in times square When the ball was falling ringing in the New Year It was wonderful meet...