Saturday, December 02, 2023



She’s music

She’s shaking me like I am not awake

She’s rattling me like I am a snake

She’s rolling me like she feels I am a wheel

All over the world she got me shaking rattling and rolling

Deep down in my soul she keeps on rocking me

In a rocking chair not for a minute will she permit me to sit!

Keeping me on my feet she’s got me dancing night and day

She’s music with a driving rhythm whose beat I must obey

She’s shaking me like I am shake and bake

I can’t take it she’s rattling me like I am a snake

She’s rolling me around and around with her sound

Like a stone she’s got me rolling along gathering no thoughts

Deep down in my soul she’s rocking me

From a rocking chair she’s got me staying clear

Keeping me on my feet she got me dancing night and day

She’s music with a driving rhythm and I am a ship on the ocean

She’s music with a driving rhythm she’s magic

Although I am beat she’s won’t let me rest my feet

She’s music sweet music with a driving rhythm

To my ear she’s music she’s music sweet music to my ear.

Anthony S.Phillander©01122023

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