Saturday, September 16, 2023



     A delicious dish

On the menu you presents mouthwatering possibilities

You looks edible you look savory my palette’s hungry

I can feast on you for eternity my appetite I cannot satiate

I am salivating thinking of partaking in this banquet 

What an exquisite delicious dish you can fulfill my culinary wish

My eyes are overwhelmed you are truly an inviting buffet

My tongue will have a party in my mouth my taste will shout

Stop giggling I will begin by nibbling on your ear

I saw you and I saw mouthwatering possibilities 

You are a delicious main course you are not a side dish 

I will relish feasting on such a delicious dish what a treat

I cannot wait to grab a bite sink my teeth and begin my feast

You can fulfill my culinary wish what an exquisite dish

A mouthwatering sumptuous inviting exquisite lavish banquet 

I will be nibbling you will be giggling and tickling my palette 

I am famished I will be happily eating to my heart’s content 

You can fulfill any connoisseurs wish what a delicious dish 

I am relishing partaking in the bounty of your delicious feast

Mouthwatering you are a mouthwatering delicious dish.

Anthony S.Phillander©16092023

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