Friday, July 28, 2023

DARK and Delicious


  Dark and 


Dark and delicious taste fabulous

With a bouquet that sumptuous

Supple on the pallet smooth as velvet

An aroma that leaves you breathless 

Exquisite dark chocolate

For those that require the finest life has to offer 

Available only at specialty shops and luxurious boutiques

Indulge in the very best you deserve it yes you are worth it 

Dark and delicious mysterious

Taste it and you will discover that it’s fabulous 

It’s got a bouquet that’s supple on the pallet

Smooth as velvet savor its inviting flavor 

Exquisite dark chocolate 

Its aroma will leave you breathless

Have yourself a treat a feast for your senses 

Yes you are worth it indulge in the very best you deserve it 

Dark and delicious chocolate exquisite

Indulge in the finest the very best chocolate 

It’s dark and delicious.

Anthony S.Phillander©27112019


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