Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Our Baby was born Today


Our baby was Born Today

Our baby was born today

Today our world changed in a beautiful way

We are happier than mere words can say

Into our world we welcomed our baby today

Baby your Mommy and Daddy been smiling all day

We are very happy that you are finally here

Today our world is much more wonderful than yesterday

Today into our world we welcome our baby today

Our baby was born today

Today our baby changed our world in a wonderful way

More than words can say we are happier in every way

Today into our world we welcomed our baby today

Baby your Mommy and Daddy been smiling all day

We are so very happy you are finally here

Today you made our world more wonderful than yesterday

Forever and a day Baby we will be loving you night and day

Soon we will bringing our baby home with tender loving care

Today our baby was born today

Wow our baby was born today.

Anthony S.Phillander©30122020

Monday, December 28, 2020

Valuable, a true treasure, precious. Priceless!


You are


You are valuable a true treasure precious priceless

Let no one devalue diminish or belittle you

Know your worth stand up and be counted for you are valuable

Take stock keep your chin up you belong at the top

Your true worth is truly immeasurable

You are worthy let no one influence you differently

Like diamonds and gold you are precious and irreplaceable

You are not worthless you are priceless

You are valuable

Stand up firmly for your value know your worth

Let no one diminish belittle or devalue you

Keep your chin up take stock know that you count

Your true worth is truly immeasurable

Let no one influence you differently you are worthy

Like diamond and gold you are precious you are irreplaceable

You are priceless never allow anyone to tell you, you are worthless

You are valuable from each and every one of you

Can I confidently get an I am precious I am valuable

There you go louder and yes you are valuable

You are valuable.

Anthony S. Phillander ©17092020


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

New YEAR'S Eve


New Year’s


What are your plans for New Year’s Eve?

If you haven’t made any plans then feel free to join me

Together you and I we can make plans for the occasion

It will be nice for us to have a New Year’s Eve celebration

This is an open invitation if you haven’t any plans

I don’t want to intrude so don’t find me rude

If you are free so am I together we can change our situation

For New Year’s Eve no one is supposed to be all alone

What are your plans for New Year’s Eve?

Feel free to join me if you haven’t made any plans

For the occasion you and I we can make plans together

We will plan a celebration we will always remember

If you haven’t any plans this is an open invitation

Take your time to hurry up and make up your mind

I am anxiously awaiting a reply concerning your plans

For New Year’s Eve together a new year we will welcome

I am hoping you haven’t made any plans for New Year’s Eve

For New Year’s Eve I am planning our celebration

We will be bringing the New Year with a bang

It will be a grand slam.

Anthony S.Phillander©21122020

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Twenty Twenty Vision


Twenty, Twenty


Am looking at you with twenty, twenty, vision

For as far as my eyes can see

I am clearly seeing you are a picture of perfection

A thousand words cannot truly give your description

It will take a library to begin describing your beauty

I would like to tell you how very beautiful you are

Try as I may the words they are unavailable to me

Tongue tied your beauty has got me mesmerized

Am looking at you with twenty, twenty vision

For a moment I thought you were a mirage in the distance

Up close your vision is just a symphony to these eyes of mine

Giving your true description a thousand words are insufficient

It will take a library just to begin describing your beauty

Mesmerized tongue tied I am because of your beauty

How I wish I was in command of my senses

Then I would have begun by saying you are breathtaking

My twenty, twenty, vision tells me you are a picture of perfection

A picture of perfection that’s the perspective of my

My twenty, twenty vision.

Anthony S.Phillander©15012020

Guitar boy

Guitar Joy

Guitar boy and Guitar Joy

They are the most spectacular guitarist in the world

They are like volcano erupting a whirlwind very exciting

Twirling those guitar strings and making them sing

Guitar boy and Guitar joy

The night they played the royal music hall

It was filled from wall to wall oh wow

They had their fans jumping for joy

Guitar boy and Guitar joy

Together playing guitar like lightning and thunder

The glitter twins with their rhinestones and sequins

Music has never before seen a duo more exciting

Guitar boy and Guitar joy

They are a worldwide phenomenon

Looks like they were born with guitars in their hands

They are their fans guitar champions

Guitar boy and Guitar joy

Joy all over the world they are spreading

Guitar boy and Guitar joy play on

Play on Guitar boy Play on Guitar Joy.

Anthony S.Phillander©30112020


Monday, December 14, 2020

Come prepared to be entertained


Come prepared

To be entertained

Come prepared to be entertained sit back relax ease your brain

With excitement humor fun and lots of laughter

Our aim is to continuously drive you totally insane

For your entertainment you have come to the right place

All for you we do what we do

We enjoy doing what we do all for you

Entertainment is our game our only aim is to entertain

We will show no restraint when we entertain

Come prepared to be entertained sit back relax ease your brain

In your seats for very long we will not let you remain

On your feet you will be in the swing of things

Dancing and singing your happiness you will not be able contain

All for you it gives us such pleasure doing what we love to do

We enjoy bringing joy doing what we do all just because of you

We aim to entertain and we are the best in the entertainment game

You will be singing our praises always our name you will exclaim

Come, come again come prepared to be entertained

Com prepared to be entertained

Entertainment it’s our claim to fame.

Anthony S.Phillander©140122020

Monday, November 30, 2020

           The extra


The journey of the extra mile is the most difficult road one can travel

The courageous makes the journey and the rewards are immeasurable

Leaders and pioneers define themselves by routinely going the extra mile

Just a little extra effort is all that’s needed to complete the extra mile

The journey of the extra mile everyone must travel once in a while

One is free to quit or with steely determination travel to the other side

Whenever the extra mile beckons step up and accept its invitation

Take the extra mile all in stride reach your destination with a smile

The journey of the extra mile can be a gateway or it can be a boundary

The traveler must decide if to fall by the wayside or go the extra mile

Hang in there do not be terrified by the distance of your destination

Let the extra mile become a stepping stone to unexplored horizons

The journey of the extra mile the extra effort needed is worthwhile

Find whatever it takes complete the journey and you will be surprised

Whosoever dares to completes the extra mile receives the grand prize

Like a beacon in the distance the extra mile beckons

Are you up to the challenge can you conquer the extra mile

The extra mile to success the extra mile welcomes you

With arms open wide success will welcome you

Give it a try why not go the extra mile.

Anthony S.Phillander©07112020


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

On My Skates


On My Skates

Strapping on my skates feels great and I am off to the races

With the wind at my feet am floating to heaven’s gate

I am feeling like right now down Mt Everest I can skate

On my skates I feel like I can visit another planet

In the skating rink light as a feather am dancing to the music

Here I am in another world and it completely filled with magic

It happened the moment when my skates become my magic carpet

For my skates I have got this weakness than I just can’t resist

Strapping on my skates feeling great am off to the races

Flying like the wind leaving traces of circles in outer space

In a trance am being transported beyond the outer limits

Am in orbit my skates are the rockets of my magic carpet

In the skating rink am dancing to the music

Am in another world filled with rhythm and magic

Oh the moment when my skates become my magic carpet

Am in love air born on the object of my affection

Am in orbit my skates are my rocketing magic carpet

Being on my skates it’s magic and am reveling on it

On my skates am in orbit straight beyond the outer limits

On my skates I found magic and I am transfixed.

Anthony S.Phillander©15112029


Sunday, November 08, 2020

Madam Vice President


Madam vice


Congratulations Madam vice President

Take a second to revel in this moment

While the world hold its breath in awe and astonishment

You are setting a new precedent

You are shattering the glass ceiling

You are upsetting the status-quo

Lady you are perfectly and absolute exemplar

Women and girls in particular looks at you with admiration

Congratulation Madam vice President

With roots in the Caribbean and Asia

You are a true daughter of the soil of America

A beacon of inspiration woman you absolutely are

You are a realization of your possibilities

You are now the gateway to unimaginable vistas

Yesterday you have relegated to a bygone era

Before us an exciting brand new world you offer

Madam vice President once again we say congratulations

Salute Madam Vice President

Onward and upward forever.

Anthony S.Phillander©08112020

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Come Inside




Come inside where it’s nice and warm

Come inside and make yourself at home

Come inside its way too cold outside

Come inside it’s time to come, come inside

The moment you come inside

Outside you will never want to come

When you come inside you will wonder why you took so long

You will wonder why you took so long to come inside

Come inside where it’s cozy nice and warm

Come inside and just make yourself right at home

Come inside outside freezing and way too cold

Come inside don’t you want to come to come inside

Once you come inside

You will never want to come outside again

You will wonder why you took so long to come

You will wonder why you too so long to come inside

Do we have to beg you to come, come inside?

The fire’s blazing inside it's warm and inviting

Come inside don’t keep the door open

Please close the door and come inside.

Anthony S.Phillander©17102020


Wednesday, October 07, 2020


I am rock


I am rock hard circumspect chiseled like Michael Angelo’s statue

From every angle every muscle of my body is in full view

I am rock hard statuesque erect harder than a diamond knock on wood

Exposing my pectorals and my biceps with me it’s no contest

My body is rock hard solid like gold

Iron or steel cannot cut my rock hard body

As a body builder I am well fit my six pack physique proves it

My body only a laser may-be able to do it some damage

I am rock hard my abs they are absolute granite

Harder than the hardest hard harder than iron

I am rock hard much harder than a diamond

Rock hard that’s how hard I am

My body fills other bodybuilders with envy

I am so hard I mold diamond like cotton candy

Working out keeps getting my body harder constantly

Rock hard my body is like polished granite

I am rock hard feel the ripple of my muscle

Hard, hard, hard, hard.

I am rock hard.

Anthony S.Phillander©30052019

Monday, September 07, 2020



Am bringing fire when I come

Lookout I am coming with fire

Bringing fire like the blazing sun

Am bringing fire when I come

I am coming to light it up and burn down town

Fire so hot it will get feet off the ground

Bringing fire from which even firefighters will have to run

Coming with fire when I come clear the way and you won’t get burn

Am bringing fire when I come

Lookout I am coming with fire you have been warned

Bringing fire like the blazing sun

Am bringing fire when I come

I am coming to light it up and burn down town

Fire so hot feet will be jumping up and dancing around

Bringing fire who can’t stand the heat be gone

Am bringing a firestorm when I come

Am coming with an inferno when I come

When I come am bringing fire when I come

Bringing fire I am bringing fire when I come

Fire I am bringing fire when I come.

Anthony S.Phillander©27022015

Saturday, August 22, 2020


always the same thing whining and complaining nothing ever seem to be the correct thing.

Thursday, August 06, 2020

People Jamming Jamaically

People Jamming
What a wonderful sight to see in every country
All over the world wherever you may be people intentionally
People intentionally jamming Jamacially see them very happy
Jamming they intentionally jamming Jamaically as they party

Jamming Jamaically people jamming they Jamacially jamming
From all over the world when they party they jamming Jamaically
The world’s in a frenzy going crazy they jamming Jamaically
Like the jam is sweeter than honey everybody’s jamming Jamaically

What a beautiful sight to see in every country
All over the world wherever you may be people intentionally
People intentionally jamming Jamaically see them very happy
Happy jamming Jamaically intentionally jamming Jamaically

Jamming Jamaically people jamming they Jamaically jamming
From all over the world when they party they jamming Jamaically
In a frenzy the world’s going crazy and they jamming Jamaically
Surely the jam is sweeter than honey as they party jamming Jamaically

What a wonderful sight to see the world intentionally jamming Jamaically
It’s a Jamaically jamming frenzy jamming Jamaically
All over the world in every party people jamming Jamaically
People all over the world intentionally jamming Jamaically.

Anthony S.Phillander©05082020

Monday, August 03, 2020

Thursday, July 30, 2020

On the bridge at Weston rd and 401.

Weston Road
Hi-way Four-o-one

On the Weston road bridge you took a tumble falling into my arms
As the traffic below on Hi-way 401 rumbled to and fro
On the bridge at Weston road and Hi-way four –O- one 401
By happenstance our romance began

With embarrassment you glowed crimson
Putting you at ease I whispered you are safe here in my arms
Everything’s o.k. don’t be alarmed no longer are we strangers
We exchanged names and we made polite conversation

On the Weston road bridge taking a tumble into my arms you fell
As the traffic below on Hi-way 401 rumbled to and fro
By happenstance our romance began
On the bride at Weston road and Hi-way four o one 401

You glowed crimson with embarrassment at your predicament
I whispered you are safe here in my arms putting you at ease
Under unusual circumstances making your acquaintance was a pleasure
I will forever remember where and how we happened to become an item

On the bridge at Weston road and Hi-way four o one we found romance
Our love began by happenstance on the bridge at
Weston Rd and Hi- way 401.

Anthony S.Phillander©30072020


Sunday, July 19, 2020

What little you can do?

What little you
Can do
It’s amazing what little you can do
The things little you can do will amaze you
You will be astonished by the things little you can do
You will be amazed by the things little you can do

When you put your mind to it little you will do big things
It’s true it’s no mystery little you can do big things
Stop complaining use your brain change your mindset
Make a decision to do it and little you will do big things

It’s amazing what little you can do
The things little you will do will amaze little you
You will be astounded by the things little you will do
You will be amazed by the things little you will do

Yes you when you put your mind to it you will do big things
It’s no mystery it’s true little you will do big things
Change your mindset and little you will begin doing big things
Make the decision stick with it and little you will do big things

Little you can and little you will do big things
What little you can do
Little you can do anything your imagination tells little you
The world’s expecting big things from little you

Little you can do anything thing your imagination tells little you.

Anthony S.Phillander©19072020

Friday, July 03, 2020


For the love
Of coffee
For the love of coffee
I met a lovely lady
Every morning very early
To the coffee shop I go regularly

A regular coffee and a lovely lady
They are my favorite they make me happy
At the coffee shop I got very lucky
A love lady sat and have coffee with me

For the love of coffee
In a coffee shop I met a lovely lady
Early every morning
I regularly go to have a coffee

A lovely lady and a regular coffee
They are my favorite they make me happy
I got very lucky at the coffee shop
A lovely lady sat and had coffee with me

All for the love of coffee
I happen to meet a lovely lady
At the coffee shop I got lucky
I met and am still having coffee

Having coffee with a lovely lady.

Anthony S.Phillander©07052020

Saturday, June 27, 2020

She's making sweet eye.

She’s making
Sweet eye
She’s making sweet eye
Enticing me with a big smile
She’s got my head touching the sky
My feet has wings and I am beginning to fly

She’s got me mesmerized
Seeing her has got stars in my eyes
My heart’s beating like it’s running a two minute mile
She’s got my knees weak and she’s got my tongue tied

Look at her she’s making sweet eye
Inviting and enticing me with to her side with a big smile
She’s lifting my head and she’s making it touch the sky
On my feet she’s grown wings now am beginning to fly

She’s got me electrified
Seeing her has got stars in my eyes
My heart’s beating like it’s running a one minute mile
She’s got my knees weak and she’s got my tongue tied

Making sweet eye making sweet eye
Looking at me she’s looking at me and making sweet eye
She’s looking at me and making sweet eye
She’s making sweet eye.

Anthony S.Phillander©27062020

Monday, June 22, 2020

IT Happened in the Room

It happened
In the room
It happened in the room
The moment you walked in it happened
My eyes caught you and they were glued
In love with you I fell the moment you walked in the room

It was at a celebration in the month of June
Usually at these celebration I never get there soon
Somehow that day was different and there you were
It happened in the room when I met you

It happened in the room
The moment you walked in it happened
My eyes caught you and they were glues
In love with you I fell the moment you walked in the room

It was at a friend’s birthday celebration in the month of June
At these celebrations I usually never get there soon
Somehow I was on time that day and there you were
It happened in the room when I met you

My eyes caught you and from that moment they were glued
The instant I walked in the room I fell in love with you
As soon as I walked in the room it happened that’s the truth
In love with you I fell the moment I walked in the room

In the room it happened in the room.

Anthony SD.Phillander©22062020

Friday, June 12, 2020


A Big
This is a big moment
A bigger moment than this you have never experienced
Let this moment sink in meditate on this moment
Over and over again you will relive this moment

A moment like this comes once in a lifetime
This is a rare this is truly an extraordinary moment
Grab hold of this moment and make this moment count
This is not a moment to be lightly taken

This is a big moment
A moment like this the world this moment will transform
A new normal this will be the legacy of this moment
In the annals of history this is a watershed moment

This moment it’s monumental it’s astronomical
This big moment it’s a moment whose time is now
In this moment the right time has arrived
This is a big moment on this moment you can bet your life

This is a big moment the universe expands in this moment
A big moment this is this is a big moment
Big this is a big moment.

Anthony S.Phillander©12062020


Monday, June 01, 2020

We Enjoy Spreading Joy

    We enjoy
Spreading joy

We enjoy spreading joy worldwide we came out just spreading joy
We just enjoy spreading joy nothing gives us pleasure like spreading joy
All around the world you will find us on the prowl spreading joy
From the universe we came bringing joy as our only baggage

No room for sorrow will we allow we will perfume the world with joy
More joy than the world can hold we will unfold until joy overflows
Like a smile it’s catching the joy we are spreading around the world
We love how everyone’s smiling catching the joy we are spreading

We enjoy spreading joy love what we are doing its joy we are spreading
Coming and going around the world its joy we are spreading
With the joy we are spreading the world‘s finding happiness
Happiness has got the world smiling with the joy we are spreading

Sorrow has got to say goodbye joy we will be spreading worldwide
To every man and woman every boy and every girl around the world
Open your hearts and let the joy we are spreading fill till they overflows
It’s joyful spreading joy we are spreading joy we enjoy spreading joy

We treasure the pleasure of spreading joy
It’s joyful spreading joy we enjoy spreading joy
We enjoy spreading joy we came to spread joy
Wow all over the world we are spreading joy.

Anthony S.Phillander©29052020

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Only using me for MONEY.

Only using me
For money
Honey you are only using me for money
And even though I know this am unable to resist
I just can’t walk away from you honey
Honey for money you are only using me

Why can’t I break these chains tell me?
These chains you are using to hold me
I would like to run away try as I may
I am unable to break away with you I have got to stay

You are only using me for money
I am absolutely certain you don’t love me Honey
Tell me that it’s my imagination driving me crazy
I know you are absolutely using me for money

What is this strong hold you have on me?
In my heart I know you are only using me
Where love is concerned that’s another story
Using me Honey you are only using me for money

Honey I have got this feeling you are only using me
Only using me you are only using me for money
You are not in love with me using me for money
You are only using me for money.

Anthony S.Phillander©13052020

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Doing LIFE Together

Doing life
We are doing life together
Our hearts sentenced us to life together forever
Together forever we will forever be
Together you and me we are doing life

It’s a heartwarming sentence
Life together and we are not repentant
We are rejoicing eager to begin serving
Serving each other forever together

We are doing life together
Our hearts decided we deserves doing life with each other
Together forever we will forever be that’s our life
Together you and I serves us right we are doing life

It’s a beautiful breathtaking sentence
Life together our hearts love being bound together for life
We are rejoicing excited and eager to begin serving
Serving each other lovingly doing life together

Together we are doing life
We are happy to be doing life together
Our hearts booked us and threw away the key
Now together we are doing life.
Anthony S.Philllander©23042020


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...