Wednesday, December 23, 2020

New YEAR'S Eve


New Year’s


What are your plans for New Year’s Eve?

If you haven’t made any plans then feel free to join me

Together you and I we can make plans for the occasion

It will be nice for us to have a New Year’s Eve celebration

This is an open invitation if you haven’t any plans

I don’t want to intrude so don’t find me rude

If you are free so am I together we can change our situation

For New Year’s Eve no one is supposed to be all alone

What are your plans for New Year’s Eve?

Feel free to join me if you haven’t made any plans

For the occasion you and I we can make plans together

We will plan a celebration we will always remember

If you haven’t any plans this is an open invitation

Take your time to hurry up and make up your mind

I am anxiously awaiting a reply concerning your plans

For New Year’s Eve together a new year we will welcome

I am hoping you haven’t made any plans for New Year’s Eve

For New Year’s Eve I am planning our celebration

We will be bringing the New Year with a bang

It will be a grand slam.

Anthony S.Phillander©21122020

1 comment:

ajaykr said...

Wonderful blog! This year, it will be difficult to celebrate New year in person. Because of this, celebrating New year together is more important now. Strengthening the bonding with family and friends and creating a festive environment for the upcoming year. We will bring virtual New year party ideas, to make your virtual New year party memorable.


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