Monday, December 28, 2020

Valuable, a true treasure, precious. Priceless!


You are


You are valuable a true treasure precious priceless

Let no one devalue diminish or belittle you

Know your worth stand up and be counted for you are valuable

Take stock keep your chin up you belong at the top

Your true worth is truly immeasurable

You are worthy let no one influence you differently

Like diamonds and gold you are precious and irreplaceable

You are not worthless you are priceless

You are valuable

Stand up firmly for your value know your worth

Let no one diminish belittle or devalue you

Keep your chin up take stock know that you count

Your true worth is truly immeasurable

Let no one influence you differently you are worthy

Like diamond and gold you are precious you are irreplaceable

You are priceless never allow anyone to tell you, you are worthless

You are valuable from each and every one of you

Can I confidently get an I am precious I am valuable

There you go louder and yes you are valuable

You are valuable.

Anthony S. Phillander ©17092020


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