Monday, June 01, 2020

We Enjoy Spreading Joy

    We enjoy
Spreading joy

We enjoy spreading joy worldwide we came out just spreading joy
We just enjoy spreading joy nothing gives us pleasure like spreading joy
All around the world you will find us on the prowl spreading joy
From the universe we came bringing joy as our only baggage

No room for sorrow will we allow we will perfume the world with joy
More joy than the world can hold we will unfold until joy overflows
Like a smile it’s catching the joy we are spreading around the world
We love how everyone’s smiling catching the joy we are spreading

We enjoy spreading joy love what we are doing its joy we are spreading
Coming and going around the world its joy we are spreading
With the joy we are spreading the world‘s finding happiness
Happiness has got the world smiling with the joy we are spreading

Sorrow has got to say goodbye joy we will be spreading worldwide
To every man and woman every boy and every girl around the world
Open your hearts and let the joy we are spreading fill till they overflows
It’s joyful spreading joy we are spreading joy we enjoy spreading joy

We treasure the pleasure of spreading joy
It’s joyful spreading joy we enjoy spreading joy
We enjoy spreading joy we came to spread joy
Wow all over the world we are spreading joy.

Anthony S.Phillander©29052020

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