Monday, August 05, 2024

Say it to my Face

Say it to my face

Say it to my face

Don’t text e mail or call me on my phone

Come meet me face to face let’s settle this once and for all

Let’s have a conversation say what you got to say to my face

You seem to be afraid to meet me in person why is this

What’s the problem I am in no way a violent person!

In my presence you haven’t got anything to worry about

If you want to break up don’t hesitate tell me face to face

Say it to my face

Don’t email don’t text and don’t call me on my phone

Come and meet me in person let’s have a face to face discussion

What you got to say to me be an adult come say it face to face

Don’t be scared there’s nothing to be afraid of

Name the time and place and I will be there

Have faith and display a little courage won’t you

Don’t keep hiding behind your device or your computer

If you want to break up step up come let’s talk

Don’t worry you won’t be breaking my heart

What you want to say face to face let’s hear it

Say it to my face whatever you got to say, say it to my face.

Anthony S.Phillander©05082024

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