Monday, August 12, 2024

The Joy you got


The joy you got

The joy you got bring it bring the joy

Bring the joy you got share it with the world

Make us smile let it spark fire in our eyes

With joy let us perk up and come alive

Don’t keep your joy hidden in your heart

Let it out to shine its light like a starry night

Make it make the world joyful for all to enjoy

Bring it bring the joy you got

The joy you got bring it bring the joy

Be generous share your joy with the world

Make it make us smile let it spark fire in our eyes

With joy let us wake up and feel some joy in our lives

Don’t keep the joy hidden in your heart

Let it out to expand and cover us like sunshine

Bring the joy crowd out sadness leaving only happiness

A joyful world you will create when you bring the joy

Our hearts will sing our smiles will expand

Our face will glow brilliantly when you bring the joy

Bring it hurry bring the joy you got we need it

Bring the joy you got we need it urgently.

Anthony S.Phillander©12082024

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