Saturday, August 24, 2024




Freedom is a right for which we must continuously fight

Even at the cost of our lives we must not subside

Paying with our lives it’s a well-deserved price

It’s worth it to fight for freedom without freedom there’s no life

Freedom is never freely given you got that right

Every second of freedom got to be earned all of our lives

For freedom whatever freedom demands we must pay the price

There will never ever be freedom available without a fight

For freedom be prepared to sacrifice your life

Freedom is a purchase freedom is never a present

Pay the price and claim your freedom it’s your right

Ask no one for your freedom take your freedom in hand

Freedom is a right of which we can easily be deprived

If we don’t stand our ground and fight with all our might

We got to keep our eyes wide open or our freedom will disappear

Like a thief in the night freedom slips away if we are not vigilant

Be vigilant like your life depends on it guard your freedom

Freedom is a right freedom is not a privilege

Freedom is a right guard your freedom with your life

Without freedom there’s no life freedom is life.

Anthony S.Phillander©22082024

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