Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Pan Ho Toe Toe


Pan ho toe toe.

Ah never see pan so Pan ho toe, toe Pan for so Pan ever more

In and all around the savannah is pan

In town and down in the country is pan

On the high way pan making their journey

Blazing like a raging wildfire on stage is pan

On the cycle track warming up more pan

In the Pan yard jamming hard very hard is Pan

Pan like sand you have got to jump up and dance

Pan ho toe, toe, Pan for so Pan Evermore Pan on the go

In the savannah is a sea of Pan in the grand stand is Pan

For as far as your eye can see is Pan like chili bee, bee,

Pan men and women happily competing for pan supremacy

Scorching the stage with a different amazing arrangement

Leaving contenders confused bewildered and dumfounded

Contemplating whether they are competing for second place

To win the crown that Pan side on stage will have be outplayed

Today is Pan for are far as your eyes can see

Pan ho toe, toe, Pan for so Pan for evermore

Pan like soap seed Pan like gobaar Pan like chili bee, bee,

Yes man is Pan hoe toe, toe, Pan Overflow.

Anthony S.Phillander ©03122016

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