Thursday, November 04, 2021

Only the STRONG Survive


Only the strong


Only the strong survive

The weak falls by the wayside

On the bottom of the pile the weak resides

Like the sun the strong always rises

It’s the nature of the strong to never say die

The weak perishes because survival demands strength

It’s is always the strongest and the fittest that survives

Strength is the prerequisite of survival not weakness

Only the strong survive

On their knees for survival to no avail the weak pleads

It’s no surprise that only the strong always survives

Strength is essential for survival

Survival is a characteristic of strength

Weakness fumbles tumbles and becomes extinct

The strong rises and stands tall after every fall

The weak on their backsides are too meek to fight for survival

Only the strong survives

To find strength the weak will have to dig deep inside

Somewhere inside find the strength needed to survive

Until then only the strong survives.

Anthony S.Phillander©10072019

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