Saturday, November 27, 2021

Bubbly like BOILING Water!


Bubbly like

Boiling water

She’s bubbly like boiling water

She can’t sit it’s not in her nature

She’s full of energy she’s a firecracker

She’s has more electricity than a nuclear generator

All the guys runs after her

They are unable to catch her she moves like quicksilver

She won’t settle down she is not still water

Like time she is in motion forever

She’s bubbly like volcano lava

She can’t sit still on the wind she is light as a feather

She’s like iron in a cauldron she just smolders

She looks volatile if you touch her she will catch afire

She’s a smoldering attraction attracting attention

Guys are putting themselves in danger to gain her favor

Their attempt at attracting her attention is always futile

Settling down is not her style she enjoys life when it’s wild

Like boiling water she’s bubbly she’s bubbly like boiling water

Yes sir she’s bubbly like boiling water

Bubbly like boiling water she’s bubbly like boiling water

She’s bubbly like boiling water.

Anthony S.Phillander©27112021

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