Saturday, November 27, 2021

Bubbly like BOILING Water!


Bubbly like

Boiling water

She’s bubbly like boiling water

She can’t sit it’s not in her nature

She’s full of energy she’s a firecracker

She’s has more electricity than a nuclear generator

All the guys runs after her

They are unable to catch her she moves like quicksilver

She won’t settle down she is not still water

Like time she is in motion forever

She’s bubbly like volcano lava

She can’t sit still on the wind she is light as a feather

She’s like iron in a cauldron she just smolders

She looks volatile if you touch her she will catch afire

She’s a smoldering attraction attracting attention

Guys are putting themselves in danger to gain her favor

Their attempt at attracting her attention is always futile

Settling down is not her style she enjoys life when it’s wild

Like boiling water she’s bubbly she’s bubbly like boiling water

Yes sir she’s bubbly like boiling water

Bubbly like boiling water she’s bubbly like boiling water

She’s bubbly like boiling water.

Anthony S.Phillander©27112021

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Pan Ho Toe Toe


Pan ho toe toe.

Ah never see pan so Pan ho toe, toe Pan for so Pan ever more

In and all around the savannah is pan

In town and down in the country is pan

On the high way pan making their journey

Blazing like a raging wildfire on stage is pan

On the cycle track warming up more pan

In the Pan yard jamming hard very hard is Pan

Pan like sand you have got to jump up and dance

Pan ho toe, toe, Pan for so Pan Evermore Pan on the go

In the savannah is a sea of Pan in the grand stand is Pan

For as far as your eye can see is Pan like chili bee, bee,

Pan men and women happily competing for pan supremacy

Scorching the stage with a different amazing arrangement

Leaving contenders confused bewildered and dumfounded

Contemplating whether they are competing for second place

To win the crown that Pan side on stage will have be outplayed

Today is Pan for are far as your eyes can see

Pan ho toe, toe, Pan for so Pan for evermore

Pan like soap seed Pan like gobaar Pan like chili bee, bee,

Yes man is Pan hoe toe, toe, Pan Overflow.

Anthony S.Phillander ©03122016

Friday, November 19, 2021



The fun


I am the fun master on a mission of fun it’s my pleasure

I am bringing happiness I am bringing joy I am bringing laughter

I am ringing my bell I am beating my drums I am singing my songs

All around the world I am bringing scintillating rhythms

I am spreading happiness all around coming on strong

Come on everyone join in and sing along

Dance and sing come let your hair down have some fun

Grab some happiness while you can dance up a storm

I am the fun master on a mission of fun what an adventure

I am bringing joy I am bringing happiness I am bringing laughter

I am beating my drums I am ringing my bell I am singing my songs

Scintillating rhythms that’s what I am bringing all around the world

I am spreading happiness all around smiling like the sun

Come on everyone come join in and sing along like a clown

Sing and dance have some fun let your hair down

Look around see and feel happiness grab some while you can

I am the fun master my fun mission is a labor of love

I enjoy bringing fun happiness joy and laughter strumming my guitar

Masters of ceremonies the world over have got my number

I am the fun master bringing fun happiness joy and laughter

Not having fun is just such a disaster

Have fun don’t be a party pooper

Join the fun master.

Anthony S.Phillander©16112021

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Sunday, November 14, 2021

It's what's NEXT!


It’s what’s next

It’s what’s next

It’s nothing like what you would expect

What’s in and trending is past tense

What’s next that’s the big thing?

Excitement is building for what’s next

The in thing is trending and on its way out

Excitement is astronomical for what’s to come

In today’s environment it’s always about what’s next

It’s what’s next

Forget about what’s in and trending

What’s in and trending is already past tense

What’s next that’s where the action is?

Excitement is at its zenith for what’s next

The in thing is trending down and on its way out

Excitement is rocketing for what’s to come

Today it’s always all about what’s to come

What’s next excitement is like Mount Everest for what’s next

Expectation will be surpassed by what’s next

Keep a sharp eye out for what’s next

You will be blown away by what’s next.

Anthony S.Phillander©25062015

Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Get what you want


Get what you


Get what you want when you want it

I have what you want come and get it

When you get what you want you will want what you get

And I am sure you will love it

You can have what you want when you want it

When you have what you want you will never get rid of it

I know what you want and you know

You will always want what you want when you have it

Get what you want when you want it

I have what you want come and get it

When you get what you want you will always want what you get

And I am sure you will love it

You can have what you want when you want it

When you have what you want you will never get rid of it

I know what you want and you know

You will always want what you want when you get it

Get what you want when you want it

I have what you want there’s no doubt about it

Come and get what you want don’t wait another minute

When you get what you want I know that you will love it

Get what you want when you want it

I have what you want come and get it

Get what you want you know what you want

Come and get it get what you want come and get it

Come and get what you want don’t wait another minute

What you want hurry come and get it.

Anthony S.Phillander©180497

Thursday, November 04, 2021

Only the STRONG Survive


Only the strong


Only the strong survive

The weak falls by the wayside

On the bottom of the pile the weak resides

Like the sun the strong always rises

It’s the nature of the strong to never say die

The weak perishes because survival demands strength

It’s is always the strongest and the fittest that survives

Strength is the prerequisite of survival not weakness

Only the strong survive

On their knees for survival to no avail the weak pleads

It’s no surprise that only the strong always survives

Strength is essential for survival

Survival is a characteristic of strength

Weakness fumbles tumbles and becomes extinct

The strong rises and stands tall after every fall

The weak on their backsides are too meek to fight for survival

Only the strong survives

To find strength the weak will have to dig deep inside

Somewhere inside find the strength needed to survive

Until then only the strong survives.

Anthony S.Phillander©10072019


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...