Magic in
The malls
Making magic in the malls from opening bell to curtain fall
Shoppers are making store owners go bouncing off the walls
Shopping non- stop shopping till they drop and getting back up
Shopper are in action making magic in the malls
With bags filled to capacity shopper are leaving stores empty
To the malls they are fleeing tendering their credit cards freely
On endless shopping sprees on their faces happiness shows clearly
Shoppers are joyfully making magic making magic in the malls
Making magic in the malls from opening bell to curtain call
For as far as your eyes can see not a parking space in the vicinity
Shoppers, from wall to wall shopping making magic in the malls
It’s such a shopping frenzy customer service agents you won’t envy
It’s joy, joy, joy, in the hearts and smiles on the faces of storeowners
They are totally in their glee to see shopper shopping endlessly
Shoppers are having a ball emptying credit cards and filling bags
Its magic shoppers are making magic in the malls
Magic pure magic shoppers are making magic in the malls
Shoppers are making magic in the malls magic
Shoppers are making magic in the malls.
Anthony S.Phillander©10122021