Saturday, August 24, 2024




Freedom is a right for which we must continuously fight

Even at the cost of our lives we must not subside

Paying with our lives it’s a well-deserved price

It’s worth it to fight for freedom without freedom there’s no life

Freedom is never freely given you got that right

Every second of freedom got to be earned all of our lives

For freedom whatever freedom demands we must pay the price

There will never ever be freedom available without a fight

For freedom be prepared to sacrifice your life

Freedom is a purchase freedom is never a present

Pay the price and claim your freedom it’s your right

Ask no one for your freedom take your freedom in hand

Freedom is a right of which we can easily be deprived

If we don’t stand our ground and fight with all our might

We got to keep our eyes wide open or our freedom will disappear

Like a thief in the night freedom slips away if we are not vigilant

Be vigilant like your life depends on it guard your freedom

Freedom is a right freedom is not a privilege

Freedom is a right guard your freedom with your life

Without freedom there’s no life freedom is life.

Anthony S.Phillander©22082024

Monday, August 12, 2024

The Joy you got


The joy you got

The joy you got bring it bring the joy

Bring the joy you got share it with the world

Make us smile let it spark fire in our eyes

With joy let us perk up and come alive

Don’t keep your joy hidden in your heart

Let it out to shine its light like a starry night

Make it make the world joyful for all to enjoy

Bring it bring the joy you got

The joy you got bring it bring the joy

Be generous share your joy with the world

Make it make us smile let it spark fire in our eyes

With joy let us wake up and feel some joy in our lives

Don’t keep the joy hidden in your heart

Let it out to expand and cover us like sunshine

Bring the joy crowd out sadness leaving only happiness

A joyful world you will create when you bring the joy

Our hearts will sing our smiles will expand

Our face will glow brilliantly when you bring the joy

Bring it hurry bring the joy you got we need it

Bring the joy you got we need it urgently.

Anthony S.Phillander©12082024

Friday, August 09, 2024

We win


We win

We win it’s a cinch when we work together we win

It’s no mystery working together we move mountains

It’s all up to us nothing to it we can do this let’s do it

United in one aim working together we win

We win together this is our objective

Divided we lose together we win

We win we are unbeatable working together

It’s in our nature to win and to win we work together

It’s a cinch when we work together we win

It’s not mysterious working together we move mountains

It’s all up to us nothing to it let’s do it we can do this

Unified in one aim working together we win

We win when we work together we are invincible

A force with which to reckon we are stronger together

We win victory is guaranteed when we are united

This is what we do working together we win

We win working together we win.

Anthony S.Phillander©07082024

Monday, August 05, 2024

Say it to my Face

Say it to my face

Say it to my face

Don’t text e mail or call me on my phone

Come meet me face to face let’s settle this once and for all

Let’s have a conversation say what you got to say to my face

You seem to be afraid to meet me in person why is this

What’s the problem I am in no way a violent person!

In my presence you haven’t got anything to worry about

If you want to break up don’t hesitate tell me face to face

Say it to my face

Don’t email don’t text and don’t call me on my phone

Come and meet me in person let’s have a face to face discussion

What you got to say to me be an adult come say it face to face

Don’t be scared there’s nothing to be afraid of

Name the time and place and I will be there

Have faith and display a little courage won’t you

Don’t keep hiding behind your device or your computer

If you want to break up step up come let’s talk

Don’t worry you won’t be breaking my heart

What you want to say face to face let’s hear it

Say it to my face whatever you got to say, say it to my face.

Anthony S.Phillander©05082024


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...