Tuesday, April 12, 2022

To Mom with LOVE.


To Mom with love

This is from all of us to Mom with love

For all you have done and continue doing

Mom we can’t thank you enough you are too much

With your unconditional love Mom we are overwhelmed

Mom this is just a token of all we want to give you

Time distance or circumstance will never keep us apart

Forever in our hearts you will forever be you are a keeper

Irreplaceable there’s no other love like the love of a mother

This is from all of us to you Mom to you with love

We your children take this occasion to join in celebration

We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation

Our love and admiration for you Mom it’s beyond question

Mom we want you to know you are our champion

On your shoulders we stand Mom you are our foundation

You are our guide and you provide excellent directions

Because of your love Mom we are standing strong

To Mom with love this token is from all of your children

This token of undying love and devotion is from your children

To Mom with love Mom love you Mom enjoy.

Anthony S.Phillander©090420

Stop settling for what others think you are worth, go after and get what you know you deserve.

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