Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Come see what the world is coming to


Come see what the world

Is coming to

Come see what the world is coming to

You do not want to miss out do you?

Then come see what the world is coming to

We want you to see what the world is coming to

The world is coming to Toronto

In Toronto you will be absolutely amazed

You will see what you never thought possible

Another world you will be seeing when you come to Toronto

Come see what the world is coming to

You will see the world in Toronto we are waiting to welcome you

When you come see what the world is coming to

We want you to see what the world is coming to

The world is coming to Toronto

In Toronto you will see what the world has never seen before

You will be transported out of your senses into another world

Another world we will make visible to you in Toronto

Call your travel agent as soon as possible

Join the world don’t miss out it is coming to Toronto

Get in on the excitement come see what the world is coming to

Why don’t you come see for yourself what the world is coming to?

Hurry quit thinking about it come see what the world is coming to

By now I guess you know the world is coming to Toronto.

Anthony S.Phillander©28102017

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