Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Pampering You


Let me spend my life pampering you
It will be a life well spent when my life is through
This exclusive offer you cannot afford to decline
I want to spend my lifetime pampering you

The pleasure will be all mine am telling you
I will willingly spend my lifetime pampering you
You deserved to be pampered and that’s exactly
Exactly what I will do spend my lifetime pampering you

Let me spend my life pampering you
It will be a life well spent when my life is through
I will be rewarded with rich dividends of loving you
I want to spend my lifetime pampering you

The pleasure will be all mine it’s no trouble
Willingly I will spend my lifetime pampering you
It’s is willed that you should be pampered you deserve to be
I take pleasure is pampering you it’s what I live for

Let me spend my lifetime pampering you
Pampering you is a pleasure I treasure wholeheartedly
I want to spend my life pampering you
Pampering you it’s what I live for.

Anthony S.Phillander©24122019

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