Friday, December 27, 2019

A bed of Roses

Life is a bed
Of Roses
Life is a bed of roses
Beautiful refreshing breathtaking
Like a new morning over the horizon
With joy life can make your heart sing

Think life is a bed of roses
Life will turn out to be like you are thinking
See life through rose colored glasses
Life will then live up to your perspective

Life is a bed of roses
Breathtaking beautiful refreshing
Like a new golden morning rising over the horizon
Joyfully life can make your heart sing

Think life is a bed of roses
Life will turn out to be exactly like you are thinking
See life through rose colored glasses
You won’t be disappointed life will fulfill your vision

Life is a bed of roses
Ignore life’s thorns they comes with roses
See life for what it is life’s nice what a perspective
A bed of roses no doubt about it life is a bed of roses

If you want it for yourself life can be a bed of roses
Life is a bed of roses.

Anthony S.Phillander©25122019

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