Friday, December 27, 2019

a bed of roses

you bet your life
life is a bed of roses!

A bed of Roses

Life is a bed
Of Roses
Life is a bed of roses
Beautiful refreshing breathtaking
Like a new morning over the horizon
With joy life can make your heart sing

Think life is a bed of roses
Life will turn out to be like you are thinking
See life through rose colored glasses
Life will then live up to your perspective

Life is a bed of roses
Breathtaking beautiful refreshing
Like a new golden morning rising over the horizon
Joyfully life can make your heart sing

Think life is a bed of roses
Life will turn out to be exactly like you are thinking
See life through rose colored glasses
You won’t be disappointed life will fulfill your vision

Life is a bed of roses
Ignore life’s thorns they comes with roses
See life for what it is life’s nice what a perspective
A bed of roses no doubt about it life is a bed of roses

If you want it for yourself life can be a bed of roses
Life is a bed of roses.

Anthony S.Phillander©25122019

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Pampering You


Let me spend my life pampering you
It will be a life well spent when my life is through
This exclusive offer you cannot afford to decline
I want to spend my lifetime pampering you

The pleasure will be all mine am telling you
I will willingly spend my lifetime pampering you
You deserved to be pampered and that’s exactly
Exactly what I will do spend my lifetime pampering you

Let me spend my life pampering you
It will be a life well spent when my life is through
I will be rewarded with rich dividends of loving you
I want to spend my lifetime pampering you

The pleasure will be all mine it’s no trouble
Willingly I will spend my lifetime pampering you
It’s is willed that you should be pampered you deserve to be
I take pleasure is pampering you it’s what I live for

Let me spend my lifetime pampering you
Pampering you is a pleasure I treasure wholeheartedly
I want to spend my life pampering you
Pampering you it’s what I live for.

Anthony S.Phillander©24122019

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Sweet Pineapple

Sweet Pineapple
You sweet pineapple you are sweeter than honey
You know you look sweet as a yellow golden apple
With your golden glow how my eyes savors you
You come into to view and my heart feels like candy

You are the sweetest thing this I know for sure
In the world I won’t find anything sweeter than you
So I am saving myself the trouble of looking the world over
For me I am absolutely certain you are all the sweetness I desire

You sweet pineapple sweeter than honey yes you are
You look sweet as yellow golden apple what a savory flavor
With your golden glow how my eyes savors you
You come into view and from my heart sweetness overflows

You are the sweetest this I know for sure absolutely
Sweeter than you it’s not possible not in a million years
I have no desire to go searching the world over
When the sweetness I desire I have got

You sweet pineapple honey is in trouble
Honey envies you because you are sweeter
Sweet pineapple how my heart favors you
You are my sweet pineapple.

Anthony S.Phillander©21122019

Thursday, December 12, 2019

To Party we are ready to party

Ready to Party
We ready to party
To party we are party ready
Get the party started hurry
Can’t you see we ready to party

We came early to party
The party should have been started already
Why the party haven’t started tell me
How long before you start the party

We ready to party
We are party ready
Get the parted started hurry
Can’t you see we ready to party

The party should have been started already
That’s why we came early to party
Why the party haven’t started please tell me
We think it’s time to start the party

We ready to party
We are party ready
Hurry now just start the party
Party, party, we ready to party

To party we are ready
We are ready to party.
Anthony S.Phillander©12122019

Ready to Party

We are party ready and we are ready to party


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...