Friday, June 14, 2024

In the financial district


In the financial district

Met her in the financial district and we clicked

Like a favorite old song in my mind she sticks

We will talk later she’s got to get back to her office

Exchanging numbers we then parted with a wink

Went to the financial district doing some business

Something about her caught my attention and I took notice

I just had to meet her and to myself I said let’s do this

Made my introduction she said see you again I promise

Met her in the financial district and we clicked

Getting closer saw that she was marking items of a list

On her list I asked if there’s a chance that I am on it

She said we just met and she will have to think about it

Went to the financial district doing some business

Something about her caught my eye and I had to take notice

Am interested told her that I will like to get to know her better

She said she’s adding me into her investment portfolio

Met her in the financial district and so began our partnership

The growth and expansion in our stock in love and romance is meteoric

In the financial district we started our corporation Love Inc.

Our corporation began when we met in the financial district.

Anthony S.Phillander©11062024

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