Thursday, May 16, 2024

A place to call my own


A place to call my own

You are a place to call my own

With you I feel safe and I feel at home

A resting place I have never known

Finding you I have found a home

Out on the road I thought I belonged

Meeting you I now know I was wrong

At times I used to feel so all alone

In you a place to call my own I found

You are a place to call my own

With you I feel secure and I feel at home

A place to call my own I have never owned

With you I have found my forever home

I once thought I belonged on the road

Meeting you I now know that I was all wrong

No longer do I feel lost and so all alone

In you a place to belong that’s what I found

You are a place a wonderful place to call my own

I now know finally I know it’s with you I belong

My own place with you all I need now is my crown

Am a king with you I found a palace to call my own!

You are my place I take pleasure in calling you my own.

Anthony S.Phillander©16052024

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