Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Grill Master


The grill master

They call me the grill master

Behind the grill you will find no one better

When I fix you a hamburger you will be licking your fingers

In ribs hot dog steaks or whatever I am the one with the flavor

Do yourself a favor and place your order

I am at your service everyday any hour grilling I live for

Behind the grill I made my name and I wear it with honor

Grill master come on over and sample anything on my table

They call me the grill master you can chill by the grill master

When it comes to grilling above the rest I am far superior

Everything I prepare I will have you licking your fingers

Barbeque corn steaks ribs fish or whatever

Flavor, flavor, flavor that’s my grilling motto

My greatest thrill is seeing people enjoying my grilling

For you what will it be hamburger fish steak corn or ribs

While you make up your mind have a beer or a glass of wine

They call me the grill master that name I wear with honor

I am the man with the flavor I am the grill master

Remember my name I am the grill master

I am the grill master on the grill I work wonders.

Anthony S.Phillander©28052024

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Genuine Love


Genuine love

Genuine love is becoming harder and harder to find

Is genuine love now only a figment of the imagination?

All the love I had found they turned out to be mere imitations

I need a forever timeless genuine love to ease my mind

Not a love with material favor or reward of any kind

A true genuine love seems to be as rare as diamonds

Is genuine love only to be found in museums?

Genuine love did it only exist in bygone times

Genuine love is becoming harder and harder to find

Does genuine love only exist in cupid’s imagination?

All the love I have had were genuine imitations of love

Finding a genuine love is driving me out of my mind

Not a love diluted with attachments of any kind

Is genuine love only to be found between a mother and her child?

Has love that’s truly genuine gone the way of the dinosaur

Genuine love did genuine love exist only in bygone times

All the love around are brilliant fakes mere imitation

Disguised as love they are trinkets of transactions

Genuine love seems to be as rare as diamonds

Genuine I need to find a love that’s genuine.

Anthony S.Phillander©22112023

Wednesday, May 22, 2024




Workout shape that body workout

Rout it get that body off the couch

Workout move that body right now

Workout quit sitting don’t be a slouch

Do that body good move that body now!

Don’t sit and brood make that body move!

Shake that body up it’s been relaxing too long

Put that body on the run hear the starter’s gun

Workout shape that body workout

Look at that body it needs getting off the couch

Workout right now move that body yes workout

Quit sitting don’t be a slouch workout

Workout exploit that body now

Get that body in ship shape workout

Reward yourself with good health workout

Out loud shout the fitness anthem workout

Workout shake that body move that body now

All together now shout out loud workout

Workout employ that body now Workout.

Anthony S.Phillander©15042023

Thursday, May 16, 2024

A place to call my own


A place to call my own

You are a place to call my own

With you I feel safe and I feel at home

A resting place I have never known

Finding you I have found a home

Out on the road I thought I belonged

Meeting you I now know I was wrong

At times I used to feel so all alone

In you a place to call my own I found

You are a place to call my own

With you I feel secure and I feel at home

A place to call my own I have never owned

With you I have found my forever home

I once thought I belonged on the road

Meeting you I now know that I was all wrong

No longer do I feel lost and so all alone

In you a place to belong that’s what I found

You are a place a wonderful place to call my own

I now know finally I know it’s with you I belong

My own place with you all I need now is my crown

Am a king with you I found a palace to call my own!

You are my place I take pleasure in calling you my own.

Anthony S.Phillander©16052024

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Like a million dollars


Like A million Dollars

You look like a million dollars extremely bankable

Look at you a very valuable asset good to keep that’s for sure

I am securing keeping and investing my time in you

In time I know considerably more valuable you will grow

You captured my eyes and my eyes are holding on to you

I cannot afford to let you slip through my fingers and disappear

I have never had the pleasure of having a million dollars before

You are a treasure I will be cherishing forevermore

You look like a million dollars where are your security guards?

You are a precious and very valuable asset I will not squander away

I am keeping securing and investing my life in you this I have to do

I will seek your interest and do everything to see that you always grow

You captured my eyes and my eyes could not resist your view

You are too valuable a prize that I cannot afford to lose it’s true

I have never had the pleasure of holding a million dollars before

A treasure like you I know I will be cherishing forevermore

A million dollars you look like a million dollars

You can bank on me forevermore I will be holding you

You look like a million dollars am not taking my eyes of off you

Not taking my eyes off you absolutely not you look like a million dollars.

Anthony S.Phillander©11052024

Thursday, May 09, 2024

She's Offering


She’s offering

She’s offering flair she’s offering style offering fire

She’s offering fashion she’s offering faces offering  flirtation 

She’s offering fun she’s offering fantasies

On the runway all she has to offer she’s putting on display

She’s picturesque she’s a portrait she was born for this

Charm style elegance and grace that’s her forte

She’s a model at the pinnacle of her game

She’s confident she’s bold she’s brave

She’s offering style she’s offering flair and fragrance

She’s captures attention and focus all eyes on her

She’s offering fantasies she’s offering fun and excitement

She’s putting all she has to offer on display on the runway

She’s a portrait she’s picturesque she’s eye candy

She’s camera ready and the camera’s always ready for her

An up and comer out of nowhere she’s conquered the modelling game

In this modelling game for herself she’s famously making her name

On the runway on display she’s putting all she has to offer

Mystery magnificence mystique style flair fashion fun and fantasies

She’s making eyes offers that eyes simply cannot refuse

All she have to offer she’s offering on the runway

On the runway on display she’s offering all she have to offer.

Anthony S.Phillander©08052024


Friday, May 03, 2024

So fast,


Finishing so fast

Why are you driving and finishing so fast?

This is not the race track slowdown enjoy the scenery

This is a leisurely journey take your time why the hurry

No rush take it easy time you have got abundantly

Enjoy the ride take your time don’t be in such a hurry

Why are you so eager to be the first across the finish line?

Luxuriate in the journey there are no prize for the fastest time

The objective of the journey is simply to enjoy the ride

Why are you driving and finishing so fast?

You are not on the race track enjoy the scenery slowdown

Why the hurry this is a leisurely journey enjoy the ride

You are not running out of time no rush take it easy

Enjoy the ride take your time don’t be in such a hurry

There are no prize for being first across the finish line

There is no prize for the fastest time luxuriate in the journey

The objective of the journey is simply to enjoy the ride

Why are you driving and finishing so fast?

Drive slower am enjoying the ride longer I want it to last

You are finishing in no time start over and this time relax

Let’s do it leisurely we got time no need to be in any hurry

We will be enjoying the ride while viewing the scenery

Whoa slow down let’s enjoy the ride.

Anthony S.Phillander©03052024


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...