Sunday, April 28, 2024

Observation Deck


On the observation deck

On the observation deck I observed you

What a view I got observing you on the observation deck

You are beautiful if not I will have to get my eyes checked

On the observation deck you were beautifully dressed

It was always one of my dreams to explore the city

Surprised a dream met my eyes on the observation deck

At the top of the city the view in my eyes was heavenly

I was pleasantly surprised and joy was filling my eyes

On the observation deck there you were

Looked into the visor and my eyes caught you

The city lay before my eyes yet only you came into view

On the observation deck you held my eyes in check

The observation deck was the best on my tour of the city

The view of the city was just such a picturesque scenery

The beautiful view of you beautifully compliments the city

On the observation deck I observed an eye catching beauty

Seeing eyes to eye together we are observing the scenery

On the observation deck I feel on top of the city

We are on the observation deck.

Anthony S.Phillander©28042024

Monday, April 22, 2024

Times Square


In Times Square

I met you there in times square

When the ball was falling ringing in the New Year

It was wonderful meeting you in times square ringing in the New Year

I rang in the New Year walking on air meeting you in times square

What a year it’s been since our meeting in times square

Here we are in times square ringing in another New Year

There’s nowhere else I would rather be than here in times square

Meeting you in times square was the highlight of my year

I met you here in times square

Last year when the ball was falling ringing in the New Year

It was wonderful meeting you in times square ringing in the New Year

I rang in the New Year and the air felt rare meeting you in times square

What a year it’s been since our meeting in times square

I can’t believe we are here in times square ringing in another New Year

I won’t dare being anywhere else than with you here in times square

Our meeting in times square it was the highlight of my year

I met you right here in times square remember?

We shared a breathtaking kiss ringing in the New Year

Every year I will be here in times square ringing in the New Year

Look the ball’s falling we are kissing happy New Year in Times Square

In Times Square happy New Year.

Anthony S.Pillander©22042024

Sunday, April 07, 2024



happily making things HAPPEN!

Friday, April 05, 2024

Happening Peo


Happening people

Happening people makes things happen

They are always in the know always on the go

Other people simply exist that’s about all they do

Going with the flow where the wind blows they follow

Happening people got get up and go

They are gone even before they know where they are going to

Others never begin for they don’t have a clue

They do not know where they are or where they want to go to

Happening people are always ready for opportunity

When opportunity they do not meet opportunity they create

Others say for them opportunity are like the dinosaur

For them opportunity cease to exist a long time ago

Happening people have what it takes

Taking what they have they make what they want

Other have to take whatever they get

They lack what it takes to get what they want

Happening people are the axis on which the world revolves

They create the manner in which the future of the world unfolds

Others on their shoulders they carry the load of the world

Happening people they do not wait they make things happen

Happening people are happily making things happen.

Anthony S.Phillander©23032024


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...