Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Blowing M


Blowing my horn

You got me blowing my horn on the corner

Thinking of you and why for us it’s now over

I am mournfully blowing my horn on the corner

Blowing my horn thinking how can we get back together

Out of the blue the news hit me like a ten ton boulder

When you told me you were leaving I fell off my chair

Feeling like my head has been lifted from my shoulder

I find myself going around in circles over and over

You got me blowing my horn on the corner

Thinking about the sweet music we use to make together

Mournfully I am now blowing my horn on the corner

Blowing my horn thinking we got to get back together

The news you delivered hit me like a ten ton bolder

I fell off my chair when you said goodbye see you later

Feeling like my head has been lifted from my shoulder

Blowing my horn as over and over I wonder where you are

You got me blowing my horn on the corner

Night and day am blowing my horn as I worry and wonder

I wonder where you are as am blowing my horn on the corner

Night and day you got me blowing my horn on the corner

Got a horn and am blowing my horn on the corner.

Anthony S.Phillander©31122023

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