Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Blowing M


Blowing my horn

You got me blowing my horn on the corner

Thinking of you and why for us it’s now over

I am mournfully blowing my horn on the corner

Blowing my horn thinking how can we get back together

Out of the blue the news hit me like a ten ton boulder

When you told me you were leaving I fell off my chair

Feeling like my head has been lifted from my shoulder

I find myself going around in circles over and over

You got me blowing my horn on the corner

Thinking about the sweet music we use to make together

Mournfully I am now blowing my horn on the corner

Blowing my horn thinking we got to get back together

The news you delivered hit me like a ten ton bolder

I fell off my chair when you said goodbye see you later

Feeling like my head has been lifted from my shoulder

Blowing my horn as over and over I wonder where you are

You got me blowing my horn on the corner

Night and day am blowing my horn as I worry and wonder

I wonder where you are as am blowing my horn on the corner

Night and day you got me blowing my horn on the corner

Got a horn and am blowing my horn on the corner.

Anthony S.Phillander©31122023

Saturday, January 27, 2024




Trust why is there such a scarcity of this

This intangible immeasurable precious commodity

Trust is it worthy where can I find it does it have integrity

What about its quality

Just what is the status of it caliber

Is it dependable is it fool proof

If I find it can it be counted upon?

Is it an illusion does it possess any substance

Trust is it worthy

Or is it not even worthy of mention?

Presently is trust now a fading memory

A mere mirage in the distance

Trust is it as solid as gold

Or is its foundation sitting on quicksand

Is trust that’s believable still available?

In my quest for trust am I on a wild goose chase

Trust is just mysterious where can it be found?

Do I have be a detective or a scientist to find it

Where can I find trust that truly genuine

Where can I find trust that will withstand the test of time?

Trustworthiness is it now the dinosaur of history?

Anthony S.Phillander©26012024

Monday, January 01, 2024

Are you a kee


Are you a Keeper?

Are you a keeper or will you quickly disappear?

Will you quickly evaporate or will you be here forever

Are you a flash in the pan or do you have staying power

Are you a keeper or into thin air will you quickly disappear

Are you a keeper or should you be kept away

Are you worthwhile or are you not even worth a dime

Are you worth your weight in goal or are you waste paper

Are you a keeper or should you be kept at bay

Are you a keeper or should you be swept away

Are you worth it or are you simply a waste of time

Are you a keeper or should you be left right where you are

Are you a keeper or are you just a worthless lump of clay

Are you a keeper are you valuable in any way?

Are you a diamond rare precious a treasure to be cherished?

Then again are you coal’s burnout useless ashes

Are you a keeper authentic genuine or are you a fake?

Are you a keeper or should you be kept very far away

Are you a keeper for yourself what do you have to say

What are you we are waiting to hear what you have to say!

Are you a keeper or should you be discarded right away

Are you disposable or are you a keeper

Are you a keeper or are you a good for nothing son of a witch

Are you a keeper or should you be thrown right back in the stinking river, 

Anthony S.Phillander©30122023


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...