Friday, September 29, 2023



    Black and pretty

Black and pretty oh so very lovely

What a beauty look at you just heavenly

Outstanding gorgeous breathtaking a real cutie 

You are making other girls worry about your beauty

Go and ask your mommy she will tell you sweetie

Daddy is telling you that you are black and pretty

Black and pretty yes you are indeed remarkable baby

Really you are baby you are pretty as your dolly 

Black and pretty so wonderful so lovely

So angelic just heavenly oh look at you my baby

So pretty breathtaking outstanding a true cutie

Little girl believe your daddy you are black and pretty

Go on ask your mommy she will agree with daddy

Daddy is telling you that you are black and pretty

Black and pretty you truly are my wonderful baby

You are pretty as your dolly yes you are sweetie

Smile baby am taking a photogenic perfect picture

Black and pretty picture perfect look at it so lovely

Yes you are black and pretty baby

Black and pretty, pretty, pretty.

Anthony S.Phillander©29092023

Saturday, September 16, 2023



     A delicious dish

On the menu you presents mouthwatering possibilities

You looks edible you look savory my palette’s hungry

I can feast on you for eternity my appetite I cannot satiate

I am salivating thinking of partaking in this banquet 

What an exquisite delicious dish you can fulfill my culinary wish

My eyes are overwhelmed you are truly an inviting buffet

My tongue will have a party in my mouth my taste will shout

Stop giggling I will begin by nibbling on your ear

I saw you and I saw mouthwatering possibilities 

You are a delicious main course you are not a side dish 

I will relish feasting on such a delicious dish what a treat

I cannot wait to grab a bite sink my teeth and begin my feast

You can fulfill my culinary wish what an exquisite dish

A mouthwatering sumptuous inviting exquisite lavish banquet 

I will be nibbling you will be giggling and tickling my palette 

I am famished I will be happily eating to my heart’s content 

You can fulfill any connoisseurs wish what a delicious dish 

I am relishing partaking in the bounty of your delicious feast

Mouthwatering you are a mouthwatering delicious dish.

Anthony S.Phillander©16092023

Tuesday, September 12, 2023



       A bag of sugar

She’s got a bag of sugar

A little sugar that’s all I want from her

For a little sugar she’s making me suffer

From her bag she won’t even give me a little sugar

She’s got more sugar than she will ever need

No matter how hard I beg and plead she’s so mean

A little sugar she’s finding it so hard to give

From her bag a little sugar she won’t even offer to me

She’s got a bag of sugar 

From her bag not much all I want is just a little

Making me suffer how I hunger for a little of her sugar

From her bag of sugar she won’t share a little with me 

She’s got enough sugar to sweeten the whole city

Begging and pleading still to me she’s being so mean

Just a little sugar she’s finding it so very hard to give

From her bag of sugar not much a little will sweeten my coffee

Look at her she’s got a whole bag of sugar 

I know she won’t miss it if she gives me a little

Pretty please from your bag can I have some sugar please? 

A whole bag she’s got a bag of sugar

Look at her she’s so darn sweet.

Anthony S.Phillander©10092023

Thursday, September 07, 2023



Talkers are imaginary illusionist

All of their dreams remains mirages in the distance

Because of their lack of action

Talkers are deadweights their tongues are all they activate

Talkers are pots they are always sitting on their bottoms 

Talkers the only action they perform is wagging their tongues

Talkers their actions are like the dinosaur it’s extinct

Talkers are rock solid they will not move from where they are planted 

Talkers are like a well laid foundation movement is out of the question

Talkers are in possession of a natural aversion to action

Talkers talks a good game it’s their execution that pulls up lame

Talkers are like a silent night their tongue are the only thing that whispers

Talkers revels in armchair commentary the thrill of battlefield victory 

They will never see

Talkers got a millstone around their minds it never inspire them to action

Talkers excels at sitting they are always failing to take action 

Talkers are armchair warriors reveling in victory from the comfort of their easy chair  

Talkers are full of hot air for taking action they lacks the hardware

Talkers are the architects of illusion in reality they never begin construction

Pipe dreamers that’s another name that can be interchanged for talkers

Talkers are pipe dreamers.

Anthony S.Philllander©07092023 


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...