Saturday, May 28, 2022

The love that i have got for my guitar


For my guitar

The love that I have got for my guitar

No other love is stronger than my love for my guitar

It’s growing sweeter and sweeter bringing us closer

When my fingers caress her strings sweetly she sings

I am insanely in love with my guitar

The world may say I am mad with the world I cannot differ

Playing with my guitar just brings me a world of pleasure

I will always cherish my guitar she’s such a treasure

The love that I have got for my guitar

This love will never disappear it will last forever

Just caressing her strings brings happiness unlimited

Soft and tenderly she hums when we play love songs

I am in love insanely in love with my guitar

Anyone can admire my guitar from afar

No one can come between me and my guitar

No one can touch none’s allowed to caress my guitar

It’s a joy it’s just wonderful playing my guitar

When I tickle her strings I like how she quivers

She makes me shiver when her strings caress my fingers

In love I am in love with my guitar.

Anthony S.Phillander©29052022

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