Thursday, February 24, 2022

Sick and Tired 0f being Sick and Tired


When you are sick and tired

Of being sick and tired

When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired

You will become amenable to a new way of life

You will finally become aware and not give up the fight

It is always within your right to change your way of life

When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired

You will get a new vision and begin seeing with closed eyes

From merely existing you find your passion for life

Being sick and tired is the beginning of an exciting new life

When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired

In that moment to you it will become as if lightning strike

You will finally be shocked out of your complacency

Your world you will begin seeing in a brand new light

When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired

You will begin taking yourself on the ride of your life

Hold on tight get out of your way get in stride take flight

Being sick and tired of being sick and tired your fire it will ignite

When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired

You will discover the hidden powers resident in your mind

The courage to do what’s required to create the life you desire

Will become available to you on demand

When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired

The keys to the universe will be in your hands.

Anthony S.Phillander©24022022

Sunday, February 20, 2022



Booty calls

are you listening?

Booty calls and I am happy like pappy

Am getting more booty than a pirate plundering the high seas

I am getting lots more booty whenever booty calls me

Everywhere I go there’s more booty than I will ever need

Doubloons heirlooms baubles bangles beads

Sapphires pearls silver diamonds and gold

I am getting booty like the pirates of old

Land ahoy oh boy booty calls

Booty calls and like pappy I am extremely happy

Like a pirate plundering the high seas am getting plenty booty

I am getting lots more booty and booty is always calling me

Everywhere I land lots of booty is there to greet me

Heirlooms Doubloons baubles beads bangles

Pearls Sapphires diamonds silver and gold sweet perfumes

Booty untold I am getting booty like the pirates of old

Land ahoy booty calls booty calls land ahoy

Land ahoy booty calls.

Anthony S.Phillander©20022022

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Duty Calls!


Duty calls

Duty calls although I will like to spend the night

Duty calls that’s why tonight I must leave you alone

Duty calls leaving me no choice except to say goodbye

Duty calls sorry it won’t be long before am back in your arms

When duty calls the call of duty must be answered

When duty calls the call of duty must not be ignored

When duty calls the call of duty demands immediate attention

When duty calls answering the call of duty is my obligation

Duty calls you know dearly I really want to spend the night

Duty calls and it pains me terribly leaving you alone tonight

Duty calls and I don’t want to yet still I must say goodbye

Duty calls and I know in a hurry I will be back in your arms

When duty calls the call of duty must be answered

When duty calls the call of duty cannot be ignored

When duty calls the call of duty demands immediate attention

When duty calls the call of duty instantly becomes my priority

Duty calls and it’s my obligation to answer the call of duty

Duty calls and I must instantly make duty my priority

Duty calls leaving me no option except to answer promptly

Duty calls and I must always answer the call of duty.

Anthony S.Phillander©19022022

Friday, February 18, 2022


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...