Friday, March 19, 2021

Springing into



Into life

We are springing into life as the sun begins shining

All winter long inside by the fireside we have been hiding

Now that spring began bursting into a new beginning

In our steps we put some pep and into life we are springing

It feels wonderful feeling the warmth of the sun shining

Winter is retreating like a shadow into the background

How quickly it’s fading soon only a memory it will remain

With anticipation we are basking in spring’s sunshine

We are springing into life as the sun begins shining

All winter long inside by the fireside we are tired of hiding

It’s a new beginning now that spring finally began bursting

In our steps we put some pep and into life we are springing

It feels wonderful feeling the warmth of the sun on our faces

Like a mirage into the distance quietly winter’s fading

Spring is blooming as beautifully as a rose unfolding

We are basking in spring and summer we are anticipating

Into life we are springing as spring is beginning

We are springing into life smiling dancing singing laughing

Oh what a lively feeling we are springing into life

Springing oh yes we are springing into life.

Anthony S.Phillander©17032021


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