Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Put on a winning

 Put on a winning


Chin up Put on a winning face erase that frown

No reason to go around looking so glum

Why are you thinking of quitting the race

Change your face the race can still be won

Chin up Put on a winning face that frown turn it upside down

Smile think of holding that trophy in your hands

At the moment you may be down you are not yet out

Chin up buckle down and get it done

Chin up Put on a winning face erase that frown

Aimlessness and illusions no longer chase

Choose an objective and fix your eyes on your target

With a winning face your target you will hit

Chin up Put on a winning face it is somewhere around

Find it wherever it has been misplaced

Without a winning face you have already forfeited the race

Claim first place change your attitude put on a winning face

Put on a winning face make haste

So what if you are way down in the bottom of the eight

In the ninth if you want you can hit a home run

Put on a winning face head for home plate

Don’t keep your face in that state

Right now do it, put on a winning face

From your face evert trace of a loser eliminate

Put on a winning face.

Anthony S.Phillander©16022021

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