Thursday, July 30, 2020

On the bridge at Weston rd and 401.

Weston Road
Hi-way Four-o-one

On the Weston road bridge you took a tumble falling into my arms
As the traffic below on Hi-way 401 rumbled to and fro
On the bridge at Weston road and Hi-way four –O- one 401
By happenstance our romance began

With embarrassment you glowed crimson
Putting you at ease I whispered you are safe here in my arms
Everything’s o.k. don’t be alarmed no longer are we strangers
We exchanged names and we made polite conversation

On the Weston road bridge taking a tumble into my arms you fell
As the traffic below on Hi-way 401 rumbled to and fro
By happenstance our romance began
On the bride at Weston road and Hi-way four o one 401

You glowed crimson with embarrassment at your predicament
I whispered you are safe here in my arms putting you at ease
Under unusual circumstances making your acquaintance was a pleasure
I will forever remember where and how we happened to become an item

On the bridge at Weston road and Hi-way four o one we found romance
Our love began by happenstance on the bridge at
Weston Rd and Hi- way 401.

Anthony S.Phillander©30072020


Sunday, July 19, 2020

What little you can do?

What little you
Can do
It’s amazing what little you can do
The things little you can do will amaze you
You will be astonished by the things little you can do
You will be amazed by the things little you can do

When you put your mind to it little you will do big things
It’s true it’s no mystery little you can do big things
Stop complaining use your brain change your mindset
Make a decision to do it and little you will do big things

It’s amazing what little you can do
The things little you will do will amaze little you
You will be astounded by the things little you will do
You will be amazed by the things little you will do

Yes you when you put your mind to it you will do big things
It’s no mystery it’s true little you will do big things
Change your mindset and little you will begin doing big things
Make the decision stick with it and little you will do big things

Little you can and little you will do big things
What little you can do
Little you can do anything your imagination tells little you
The world’s expecting big things from little you

Little you can do anything thing your imagination tells little you.

Anthony S.Phillander©19072020

Friday, July 03, 2020


For the love
Of coffee
For the love of coffee
I met a lovely lady
Every morning very early
To the coffee shop I go regularly

A regular coffee and a lovely lady
They are my favorite they make me happy
At the coffee shop I got very lucky
A love lady sat and have coffee with me

For the love of coffee
In a coffee shop I met a lovely lady
Early every morning
I regularly go to have a coffee

A lovely lady and a regular coffee
They are my favorite they make me happy
I got very lucky at the coffee shop
A lovely lady sat and had coffee with me

All for the love of coffee
I happen to meet a lovely lady
At the coffee shop I got lucky
I met and am still having coffee

Having coffee with a lovely lady.

Anthony S.Phillander©07052020


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...