Saturday, June 27, 2020

She's making sweet eye.

She’s making
Sweet eye
She’s making sweet eye
Enticing me with a big smile
She’s got my head touching the sky
My feet has wings and I am beginning to fly

She’s got me mesmerized
Seeing her has got stars in my eyes
My heart’s beating like it’s running a two minute mile
She’s got my knees weak and she’s got my tongue tied

Look at her she’s making sweet eye
Inviting and enticing me with to her side with a big smile
She’s lifting my head and she’s making it touch the sky
On my feet she’s grown wings now am beginning to fly

She’s got me electrified
Seeing her has got stars in my eyes
My heart’s beating like it’s running a one minute mile
She’s got my knees weak and she’s got my tongue tied

Making sweet eye making sweet eye
Looking at me she’s looking at me and making sweet eye
She’s looking at me and making sweet eye
She’s making sweet eye.

Anthony S.Phillander©27062020

Monday, June 22, 2020

IT Happened in the Room

It happened
In the room
It happened in the room
The moment you walked in it happened
My eyes caught you and they were glued
In love with you I fell the moment you walked in the room

It was at a celebration in the month of June
Usually at these celebration I never get there soon
Somehow that day was different and there you were
It happened in the room when I met you

It happened in the room
The moment you walked in it happened
My eyes caught you and they were glues
In love with you I fell the moment you walked in the room

It was at a friend’s birthday celebration in the month of June
At these celebrations I usually never get there soon
Somehow I was on time that day and there you were
It happened in the room when I met you

My eyes caught you and from that moment they were glued
The instant I walked in the room I fell in love with you
As soon as I walked in the room it happened that’s the truth
In love with you I fell the moment I walked in the room

In the room it happened in the room.

Anthony SD.Phillander©22062020

Friday, June 12, 2020


A Big
This is a big moment
A bigger moment than this you have never experienced
Let this moment sink in meditate on this moment
Over and over again you will relive this moment

A moment like this comes once in a lifetime
This is a rare this is truly an extraordinary moment
Grab hold of this moment and make this moment count
This is not a moment to be lightly taken

This is a big moment
A moment like this the world this moment will transform
A new normal this will be the legacy of this moment
In the annals of history this is a watershed moment

This moment it’s monumental it’s astronomical
This big moment it’s a moment whose time is now
In this moment the right time has arrived
This is a big moment on this moment you can bet your life

This is a big moment the universe expands in this moment
A big moment this is this is a big moment
Big this is a big moment.

Anthony S.Phillander©12062020


Monday, June 01, 2020

We Enjoy Spreading Joy

    We enjoy
Spreading joy

We enjoy spreading joy worldwide we came out just spreading joy
We just enjoy spreading joy nothing gives us pleasure like spreading joy
All around the world you will find us on the prowl spreading joy
From the universe we came bringing joy as our only baggage

No room for sorrow will we allow we will perfume the world with joy
More joy than the world can hold we will unfold until joy overflows
Like a smile it’s catching the joy we are spreading around the world
We love how everyone’s smiling catching the joy we are spreading

We enjoy spreading joy love what we are doing its joy we are spreading
Coming and going around the world its joy we are spreading
With the joy we are spreading the world‘s finding happiness
Happiness has got the world smiling with the joy we are spreading

Sorrow has got to say goodbye joy we will be spreading worldwide
To every man and woman every boy and every girl around the world
Open your hearts and let the joy we are spreading fill till they overflows
It’s joyful spreading joy we are spreading joy we enjoy spreading joy

We treasure the pleasure of spreading joy
It’s joyful spreading joy we enjoy spreading joy
We enjoy spreading joy we came to spread joy
Wow all over the world we are spreading joy.

Anthony S.Phillander©29052020


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...