Sunday, October 06, 2019

Wonderful Wednesday

Wow what a wonderful Wednesday
Without a doubt Wednesday is wonderful in every way
Wednesday means that the weekend is halfway here
We are over the hump and we are on our way

A pinnacle this is Wednesday
Reach Wednesday and see Friday bright and clearly
Thursday becomes the only obstacle in our way
Wednesday becomes the beacon leading to Friday

What a wonderful Wednesday wow
Look at Wednesday it’s wonderful in every way
Wednesday means the weekend is not too far away
Being over the hump it’s just a hop skip and jump to Friday

Wednesday’s a pinnacle scale its summit be on your way
Reach Wednesday and your destination becomes brighter and clear
Thursday becomes a stepping stone along the way
Aim for Wednesday and soon the weekend appears

Wonderful just look at Wednesday
Wonderful, wonderful Wednesday
It’s just such a wonderful Wednesday.

Anthony S.Phillander©17082019

Tantalizing Thursday you tease

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