Sunday, June 16, 2019

we the CHAMPS

     We the champs

We the champs we ramp the action up
Now we are triumphant
Champs that’s us we got this done we won
Now it’s time for a grand celebration

We the champs we did not leave anything to chance
We overcame all challengers now we are number one
See us at the top doing our happy dance
It’s surreal our fans they are still in a trance

We the champs we ramp the action up
You bet your assets and yes we are triumphant
Champs that’s us we won we got this done
Now its celebration time join in one and all

We the champs nothing did we leave to chance
We overcame all challengers now we are number one
Its surreal our fans they are in an amazing trance
We are at the top doing our happy dance

The champs that’s what we are absolutely
We outgrew situations and circumstances
We overcame challenges
Now we the champs we are the champs.

Anthony S.Phillander©14062019

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        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...