Thursday, June 13, 2019

Rapacious Raptors Represent!


Represent step up and represent don’t be hesitant  
Show your team’s colors generate some excitement
Make some noise rock the roof shake the rafters
Represent if that’s your intention do it represent

In your team display some confidence
Lay your support on the line come to your team’s defense
Yes stick up for your team this what sportsmanship demands
Go all out for your team step out on a limb

Represent come out and vehemently generate some excitement
Let your team know just how great you think they are
Raise the roof make some noise shake the rafters
Represent put up or shut up represent if you intend to represent

In your team display some confidence
Don’t be a spent shell empty and out of shape all bent
You are in your element now get out and represent
Show your team spirit represent stand up and represent

Represent come out and represent.

Anthony S.Phillander©04012019

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