Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Without Limits!

Saturday, June 22, 2019


Iron in her fire

She’s got iron in her fire
She’s such a wonderful interior designer
Working with iron turns her on it’s just gets her going
She’s molding iron into whatever suits her desire

She forges iron into whatever form she requires
In her intense fire she makes iron run like molten lava
She’s got a flair for working with iron she’s super
In the design world she’s at the top of her game she’s a leader

She’s got iron in her fire
The iron glows like a diamond that’s about to explode
She’s in total control of her fire’s temperature
Smoldering hot she’s got iron conforming to her designs

She’s forges iron like a master craftsman
When it comes to designing iron the woman’s second to none 
Around the world she’s in constant demand for working with iron 
A masterpiece she will design with any iron in her fire

She’s got iron in her fire
Working with iron it’s her passion it just brings her so much pleasure
She’s a designer that works at her leisure time she does not measure
She fires iron and iron returns the favor iron fires her

She’s on fire whenever iron is in her fire
Put iron in her fire and her design will spark your imagination
She’s an iron artisan iron is her medium of expression
Iron not gold or silver all she desire is iron in her fire

She’s got a passion for iron in her fire
Working with iron give her complete satisfaction
In her fire she adores working with iron.

Anthony S.Phillander©21032019

Sunday, June 16, 2019

we the CHAMPS

     We the champs

We the champs we ramp the action up
Now we are triumphant
Champs that’s us we got this done we won
Now it’s time for a grand celebration

We the champs we did not leave anything to chance
We overcame all challengers now we are number one
See us at the top doing our happy dance
It’s surreal our fans they are still in a trance

We the champs we ramp the action up
You bet your assets and yes we are triumphant
Champs that’s us we won we got this done
Now its celebration time join in one and all

We the champs nothing did we leave to chance
We overcame all challengers now we are number one
Its surreal our fans they are in an amazing trance
We are at the top doing our happy dance

The champs that’s what we are absolutely
We outgrew situations and circumstances
We overcame challenges
Now we the champs we are the champs.

Anthony S.Phillander©14062019

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Rapacious Raptors Represent!


Represent step up and represent don’t be hesitant  
Show your team’s colors generate some excitement
Make some noise rock the roof shake the rafters
Represent if that’s your intention do it represent

In your team display some confidence
Lay your support on the line come to your team’s defense
Yes stick up for your team this what sportsmanship demands
Go all out for your team step out on a limb

Represent come out and vehemently generate some excitement
Let your team know just how great you think they are
Raise the roof make some noise shake the rafters
Represent put up or shut up represent if you intend to represent

In your team display some confidence
Don’t be a spent shell empty and out of shape all bent
You are in your element now get out and represent
Show your team spirit represent stand up and represent

Represent come out and represent.

Anthony S.Phillander©04012019

Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Thank You

  Thank You

Thank you we really appreciate that
Again thanks a million
You really came through for us
We could not have done it without you

Thanks a lots from the bottom of our hearts
When we did not know where to turn
Out of the blue you showed up
You helped us out of a very tight spot

Thanks again don’t hesitate to call on us
It will be our pleasure to return the favor
We are extremely grateful thanks a lot
Never will we be forgetting what you have done for us

Thanks a lot we truly appreciates that
Again thanks a million it’s wonderful
When we needed a guardian angel
With wings I mean with open arms you showed up

From the bottom of our hearts thanks a lot
Thank you, thank you, what ever you need it’s on us
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Anthony S.Phillander©22082016

Oozing sweet sweetness

Oozing Sweetness
She’s oozing sweetness exuding it in all its deliciousness 
Like a stream of honey it’s oozing constantly 
From all over her body sweetness’s flowing freely 
For a honey comb she can be mistaken easily 

Just by looking at her you can tell she’s savory 
Her rosy lips cannot hide they tell her sweet story 
Even the bees gather around watching her with envy
They are no match for her they know that she’s a sweetie 

She’s oozing sweetness exuding it like molten cotton candy
Sweetness like a river of honey is flowing continuously
Covering her completely sweetness flows heavily 
Easily she can be mistaken for a honey comb 

She’s just savory it’s no mystery this anyone can see 
Her lips they bursting with honey they are ripe and rosy 
Sweetness is what she’s made of and it shows clearly 
She’s a sweetie just oozing sweetness constantly 

 Like ice cream through a kids fingers on a summer’s day
 Oozing sweetness she’s oozing sweetness. 

 Anthony S.Phillander©30012019

Tuesday, June 04, 2019


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...