Saturday, May 06, 2023

Do what you LOVE


                    Do what you love

Do what you love, love what you do

It’s the essential ingredient for a life of contentment 

Its paramount find your passion and never work again

With your passion your need of a job becomes non- existent 

It’s important to do what you love

Loving what you do is extremely important also

You don’t need inspiration when passion moves you

Loving what you do gives you a built in dynamo

Do what you love, love what you do

With this formula one becomes unstoppable

You will mold a whole new world it’s true

When you discover what you love to do you are free

Never work another day in your life

Your only job is doing what you love 

When you know and does what you love

Living becomes a lifetime of love

Do what you love, love what you do   

Feel free to do what you love, and love what you do

Do what you love, love what you do.

Anthony S.Phillander©01052023

Monday, April 17, 2023

Fix your face.


Fix your face

Fix your face something about it is out of place

That frown’s got you face is a terrible state

Your face looks all bent out of shape

Come on smile let’s try and fix your face

That look on your face needs to be replaced

Think nice thoughts replace that look with happiness

Worry cannot be repaired it has to be replaced

Your face that long face’s need an urgent upgrade

Fix your face that sullen look it is out of place

That frown’s got your face is a very bad state

Your face looks all bent out of shape

Come on smile try hurry fix your face

That load on your face need to be lightened

Think nice thoughts replace that load with happiness

Erase worry and a smile let you face embrace

Fix your face have a smile displayed

Fix your face on your face a smile will be looking great

Happiness belong on you face keeps it in shipshape

Fix your face once again make it a happy place

Go on let’s see a smile now fix your face.

Anthony S.Phillander©15042023

Saturday, April 01, 2023

At Myself


At myself in the mirror

At myself in the mirror I winked my eyes

Looking picture perfect with myself I am so satisfied

I congratulated myself and gave myself a high five

Myself I also gave myself a big, big, broad smile

Don’t know when I stopped all I know is

Again I have started liking myself taking myself in stride

I am liking myself again and liking myself feels fine

I had forgotten how to begin liking myself

At myself in the mirror I like the image that caught my eyes

Looking picture perfect with myself I was pleasantly surprised

Giving myself a high five I congratulated myself

Myself I just had to give myself a big, big broad smile

In my mind I have started telling myself

I am healthy I am wealthy and like an owl I am wise

To my surprise my life is daily becoming as I prophesied

Liking myself is the only way in which I am living my life

Smiling at myself in the mirror I gave myself a high five

If you are being hard on yourself forgive yourself

Give yourself a reprieve sigh you deserve a second chance

Like yourself with yourself smile give yourself a high five

At myself in the mirror I blew a kiss just enjoying this life.

Anthony S.Phillander©18032023

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Tuesday, March 14, 2023



                                  The fire next time

Next time when the fire starts she said the fire next time

The fire will be rising higher burning brighter flaming longer

It will be much hotter than it’s ever been and there won’t be

There won’t be any water right now the fire’s only flickering embers

The fire next time she will be starting will be a barn burner

It will leave you nowhere to hide or run for cover

It will burn deeper it will be hot like plasma you will feel

It will be a searing scorcher you will feel her fire

The fire next time she said it will be rising higher

Burning brighter flaming forever an uncontrollable fire

There won’t be any water out of control her fire will burn

Her fire this time is waning embers and it simmers

The fire she will be starting next time next time she starts fire

She will leave you nowhere to run and hide from her fire

It will burn deeper it will be hot like plasma you will feel

You will feel it in your soul as you burn, burn, burn.

The fire next time will be a fire like no other it will be unbearable

This time thank your lucky stars you caught her off guard

Next time the fire next time she will be starting will be

The fire next time you will beg her to out the fire next time

She said you will beg her to out the fire next time.

Anthony S.Phillander©14032023

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Make a habit of it


Make a habit of it

Make a habit of it Integrity Make a habit of it Adaptability

Do it habitually and make it a habit Do it habitually make it a habit

Make a habit of it permanently, Make a habit of it perpetually

Make a habit of it Honesty Make a habit of it Character

Do it habitually and make it a habit Do it habitually make it a habit

Make a habit of it constantly, Make a habit of it incessantly

Make a habit of it Punctuality Make a habit of it Honor

Do it habitually and make it a habit Do it habitually make it a habit

Make a habit of it relentlessly, Make a habit of it repeatedly

Make a habit of it Optimism Make a habit of it Discipline

Do it habitually and make it a habit Do it habitually make it a habit

Make a habit of it successively, Make a habit of it religiously

Make a habit of it Enthusiasm Make a habit of it Excellence

Do it habitually and make it a habit Do it habitually make it a habit

Make a habit of it steadily, Make a habit of it steadfastly

Make a habit of it Exemplary Make a habit of it Class

Do it habitually make it a habit Do it habitually make it a habit

Make a habit of it perpetually, Make a habit of it unwaveringly

Make a habit of it Respect Make a habit of it Perseverance

Do it habitually and make it a habit Do it habitually make it a habit

Make a habit of it resolutely, Make a habit of it unwaveringly

Make a habit of it Self Responsibility Make a habit of it Tenacity

Do it habitually make it a habit Do it habitually make it a habit

Make a habit of it continually.

Anthony S.Phillander©11112017

Tuesday, March 07, 2023

One hit wonder


One hit wonder

We are no one hit wonder

We got staying power

From the moment we entered

We have been charting forever

We are in love with music

Our passion fuels our romance

Nothing can come between us

Music and us we belong together

We are no one hit wonder

For staying on the music charts

We got our secret formula

On the music charts we aim to stay forever

We are in love with music

Our hearts overflows with its passion

Between us and music there’s no separation

We belong to music and music is our passion

No one hit wonder

We are we are no one hit wonder.

Anthony S.Phillander©06032023


Delivering Joy

  Delivering joy You are delivering joy every time you walk by Delivering joy every time you smile Delivering joy ju...