Friday, November 08, 2024

Why do we HATE each other so?


Why do we hate each other so?

Why do we hate each other so?

Paying lip service saying we are brothers and sisters

Then we turn around and gravely harm each other

Why are our words of caring and love so hollow?

We are supposed to be each other’s keeper

We keep sending each other to the grim reaper

We are supposed to be human yet we behave like vipers

For our individual selves that’s all we seem to have love for

Why do we hate each other so?

Lip service it’s what we are pay saying we are brothers and sisters

Then with one another we continue acting like complete strangers

Where’s the love we are supposed to have for each other

We are supposed to be the keepers of each other

Yet still before conversations we go to war with each other

Families are no longer familiar with one another so terrible

Brother do not know sister father do not know mother

What’s the reason why do we hate each other so?

We are only loving self and got no love for neighbors

We are keeping away we are not keeping our brothers

Does anyone know the reason why we hate each other so?

Why tell me why do we hate each other so?

Anthony S.Phillander©08112024.

Sunday, November 03, 2024

You telling THEM


You telling them

They don’t need you telling them

How why when and if to do it you are out of place

They are capable of making their own decisions

When they are ready for themselves they are doing it

If why when and how to do it

That decision they said that decision is up to them

Keep out of the instruction business it’s not required

You and your instruction to them is not relevant

They don’t need you who put you in charge of them

How why when and if to do it don’t keep telling them

They are grown and capable of making their own decisions

When they are ready for themselves they are doing it

If why when and how to do it watch yourself

That decision they said that decision belong to only them

Keep out of their business they are not little children

None of your concern you and your instructions they are irrelevant

Listen to what they said they said they are making their own decisions

On your own business it will profit you to spend your time

You telling them anything is a waste of time.

Anthony S.Phillander©03112024

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Dance with your LOVER.


Dance with your lover

Dance with your lover dance with no other

Come dance with your lover don’t dance with no stranger

Dance with your lover come dance with your lover

Come dance lover come dance with your lover

Dance with your lover forever let’s dance forever lover

Forever come dance with your lover dance with your lover

Dance with your lover forever lover let’s dance forever lover

Forever come dance with your lover dance with your lover

Dance with your lover only dance with your lover

Come dance with your lover don’t behave like no stranger

Lover come dance come dance with your lover feel our fire

Forever dance lover come dance forever with your lover

Any other ask you to dance give them the answer

Tell them don’t bother you are only dancing with your lover

Forever come dance with your lover dance with your lover forever

Forever come dance with your lover only dance with your lover

Dance with your lover come dance with your lover

Don’t dance with no other don’t dance with no stranger

Only dance with your lover tell all others see you later

I am only dancing with my lover am only dancing with my lover

Dance with your lover only dance with your lover

Forever only dance with your lover dance with no other

Dance with your lover dance with your lover

Dance, dance, dance only dance with your lover.

Anthony S.Phillander©05102024

Thursday, October 24, 2024

This is her MOMENT!


This is her moment

This is her moment to her delight it’s brilliant

Her moment is now she owns the spotlight

How brilliantly she shines she did it on her own time

It’s her right her moment is now and now is her time

It has arrived it’s here and it’s now wow

Like an idea whose time has come there’s no stopping her

It’s well deserved and she’s basking in her moment

In her moment like lightning she’s just glowing

To her delight this is exclusively her moment

She owns the spotlight her moment is now that’s right

She did it all in her own time with that she’s alright

Now is her time her moment is now and she’s present

It’s now it has arrived it’s here right on time

Like an ideas whose time has come she cannot be stopped

She’s basking in her moment and yes it’s well deserved

Like lightning look at her glowing in her moment

It’s all hers this is her moment her stars have aligned

This is her moment she owns this moment outright.

Anthony S.Phillander©14082024

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Character Integrity Honor


Character Integrity Honor

What about character integrity honor

Are they no longer necessary no longer do they matter?

In the world today are they ever given consideration?

From our vocabulary have we removed them completely?

Into our discussion let’s bring in principle honesty facts truth and ethics

Why routinely is mediocrity so easily and readily accepted as normal?

Is excellence no longer a necessary standard no longer important?

Why have our standard been allowed to devolve into being optional

What about character integrity honor

Are they no longer necessary no longer do they matter?

They were once the pillars on which we stood steadfast

Today they are merely an option to be conveniently exercised

Honesty truth facts ethics trust and other societal pillars

Are these cornerstone gone the way of the dinosaurs

What happens to be the status of character integrity honor?

Genuine, unique, original, loyalty will we find them in museums

Character integrity honor needs a renaissance immediately

Those characteristics they are the foundation of humanity

Seriously tell me will they become a long gone memory.

Anthony S.Phillander©25092024

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Make it make sense


Make it make sense

Make it make sense

You are saying that you are leaving

I am hearing you clearly still I don’t understand

Make it make sense tell me again so that I will understand

It makes no sense to me I thought you were very happy

Why in the world are you telling me what you are telling me

I can’t believe it what you are telling me is not making sense

Not one element of your statement is making any sense

Make it make sense

You are saying to me that you are leaving me

I am hearing you clearly still your words I don’t understand

Make it make sense tell me again so that I will understand

You are not making sense everything I do is to make you happy

Why in the world are you telling me what you are telling me

Really and truly you are not really making any sense to me

It’s not making sense what you are telling me

Make it make sense

Tell me again I want to understand what you are telling me

Make it make sense tell me so that I will understand

Make it make sense tell me again.

Anthony S.Phillander©25052024

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Delivering Joy


Delivering joy

You are delivering joy every time you walk by

Delivering joy every time you smile

Delivering joy just with that sunshine in your eyes

You are a bundle that’s why you are delivering joy

You are joy through and through

You are joy and joy is truly you

We have heard that you are acquainted with happiness too

You are someone the world will enjoy getting to know

You are delivering joy every time you walk by

Delivering joy with your starry shy smile

Delivering joy every time we see that sunshine in your eyes

Delivering joy every time because you are just a bundle of joy

You are joy through and through

You are joy and joy is absolutely you

Happiness we have heard happiness is your acquaintance also

The world will have fun and enjoy getting to know you

Joy it’s absolutely what you are delivering

You are delivering joy and we can’t get enough of you

Joy you are a bundle everyone wants to hold you

Joy keep delivering what you are joyfully delivering.

Anthony S.Phillander©18092024

Her Waterhole"s on FIRE.

  Her waterhole’s on fire Her waterhole’s on fire her farm’s in danger Fire in her waterhole how did her waterhole catch afir...