Thursday, October 24, 2024

This is her MOMENT!


This is her moment

This is her moment to her delight it’s brilliant

Her moment is now she owns the spotlight

How brilliantly she shines she did it on her own time

It’s her right her moment is now and now is her time

It has arrived it’s here and it’s now wow

Like an idea whose time has come there’s no stopping her

It’s well deserved and she’s basking in her moment

In her moment like lightning she’s just glowing

To her delight this is exclusively her moment

She owns the spotlight her moment is now that’s right

She did it all in her own time with that she’s alright

Now is her time her moment is now and she’s present

It’s now it has arrived it’s here right on time

Like an ideas whose time has come she cannot be stopped

She’s basking in her moment and yes it’s well deserved

Like lightning look at her glowing in her moment

It’s all hers this is her moment her stars have aligned

This is her moment she owns this moment outright.

Anthony S.Phillander©14082024

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