Thursday, August 31, 2023

Winning ticket


       Winning ticket

You are my winning ticket  

You picked me and I hit the jackpot

Lady luck you smiled on me and I was bought

With you the winning ticket I have got

I used to think the only luck I got was naught

In one moment all that changed on the spot

On the pinnacle of joy you got me on the top

Looking at you to my lucky stars I tip my hat 

You are my winning ticket

When you pick me instantly I hit the jackpot

Lady luck smiled on me and I smiled right back

With you I won you are my winning ticket

I used to think I was a stranger to good luck

Luck became friendly to me now am in the clouds

I have got a trillion dollar smile with you by my side

You got the stars in my eyes glittering like diamonds

My winning ticket you are my winning ticket

You are my winning ticket it’s wonderful

My winning ticket you surely are

You are my winning ticket.

Anthony S.Phillander©31082023


Saturday, August 26, 2023

Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Amazing change


Amazing change here there and everywhere you are 

Even if we wish to run there’s no place to hide from you 

We are in awe try as we may you just cannot be ignored

Change like waves on the ocean you are in constant motion

Amazing change you are revolutionizing the world

The world revolving around you and oh what a journey

You are making the familiar strange routines you rearrange

Change in your hands magnificently the future unfolds

Amazing change you never ceases to amaze us seriously

From one moment to the next you change completely

You are forever changing what is into what used to be

Relentlessly you are changing reality into history

Amazing change you are the nemesis of the status quo

Stagnation also happens to be one of your biggest foe

From dark skies you bring the bright new morning glow

Change amazing change wow just look at you

Amazing change you we admire you are spectacular  

You can transform a desert in a meadow green and lush

On a rut you cause havoc transforming mediocrity into the extraordinary

Amazing change our gaze is focused on you and oh what a view

Amazing change way to go we are in awe you got us mesmerized

You got us completely amazed continue doing what you do change.       

Anthony S.Phillander©15072023 

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Loving Myself


         I am loving myself

Check myself in the mirror

I am loving myself party on my mind 

Dressed to the nines in my costume

Looking fine am on my way to meet my band

I meet my band and its ruction the parade has began

Music food rum pulsating rhythms

It’s a sea of color for as far as your eyes can see 

All day on the road is going to be a big party  

Check myself in the mirror

I am loving what I see I am loving myself

Costume fitting perfectly looking majestically 

Can’t wait to jump in the band and begin the action

I meet my band and they are carrying on 

Wining jumping dancing drinking singing this is thing bring rhythm

Girls and boys men and women everyone having fun

On the road we will be partying on and on and on

Loving myself check myself in the mirror what a picture

Check myself in the mirror loving myself

Like a man on a mission loving myself

My mission is to party until I don’t know when?

Anthony S.Phillander©21022023 


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...