Saturday, February 04, 2023



Big news, New York

Big news New York congratulation

On the world stage you are blowing up

You were always in the top spot

Now you are growing larger you are really blowing up

In everything you are always on top

On top of that now you are topping up

You are at the top and higher you are rising fast

New York you are always the one to watch

Big news New York congratulations

On the world stage on you all eyes are focused

You continually occupies the spot the world covets

Every moment you are expanding you are really blowing up

In everything like a true leader you are always on top

You are constantly improving always surpassing the mark

Although you are the leader higher you keep rising up

New York all eyes are on you yes you are the one to watch

Again big news big news New York

New York big news big news New York

Big news New York congratulations

Exemplary New York big up.

Anthony S.Phillander©31012023

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        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...