Saturday, February 25, 2023

Lips Service


                     Lips service

They are always paying lips service

They are babes in arms when it comes to action

They are always missing in action when its action time

They can talk until forever comes and never take action

They are Jacks of all trades in their own mind

When its action time they are nowhere to be found

They are illusive dreaming armchair professional

They are professional paperweights when it comes to action

They are always in a hurry to provide lips service

They are babes in arms when challenged by action

Quick with their tongue lethargic with their action

They are like an announcer at a broadcast station

They are jack of all trades in their own mind

When it comes to action they need an all point bulletin

They are illusive dreaming armchair professional orators

Rocking their easy chair it’s the hallmark of their action

They are always busy providing lip service

Perpetual talking stagnant action

Action is a service that’s forever occupying their minds

Illusive dreaming professional orators

No achievement do they realize.

Anthony S.Phillander©18022023

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Family Day


Family day

We will be getting together on family day

Enjoying each other’s company we will be feasting

We will be singing and dancing and we are going to play

It will be great we will have fun getting together on family day

Every day we are busy going our own way

When family day comes around we got to be here

Keeping our family close to us we make the effort

Without family that care what is life really can you tell me

We will be getting together on family day

It’s wonderful being with family from near and far away

We can’t wait to get acquainted with new family members

It will be great getting together on family day

Every day we are busy going our own way

We do our best to be here when family day come around

It is worth every effort we make to keep our family close

Family is very important always deserving our attention

We will be getting together on family day

We will be expecting everyone see and be here

Family day make a date and be here.

Anthony S.Phillander©18012022

Monday, February 13, 2023

The thing Sweet


The thing sweet

The thing sweet I sink my teeth into it and screamed

I don’t know who told my dentist about its sweetness

He told me with having that amount of sweetness

I will regularly need to be seeing my dental hygienist

All I know is the thing’s sweetness I just can’t resist

It’s a special kind of sweetness I just have to have it

I enjoy having it love it I must have it oh my sweetness

The sweetness of the thing leisurely lingers on my lips

The thing sweet just thinking about it make me want a sip

Even when I am sleeping all my dreams are about sweetness

Something about the sweetness got me hooked and twisted

The thing’s sweetness is sweeter than honey and chocolate

I am its captive it holds my tongue spellbound

Not for very long can I get by without its sweetness

Without it I won’t leave home I must always have some

The taste is just exquisite it sweet the thing sweet, sweet

It sweet the thing sweet real sweet the thing sweet

sweet sweet.

Anthony S.Phillander©13022023

Friday, February 10, 2023




Touchdown they can run but they can’t hide

With the ball blazing we coming at them from all sides

Kicking and screaming with losing they will have to abide

We will put water in their eyes

We come to win that’s what we decide

In a little while we will be lifting the trophy high

We aim to put a river of tears and leave them blind

Our fans will be smiling miles wide smiles

Touchdown they can run there’s no place to hide

With the ball racing will be doing some precision shooting

We are on a winning mission and we will make it happen

The grid iron we will be putting under our command

We come to win that’s what we decide

Soon we will be lifting the trophy very high

We will be scoring at will and rest assured they will cry

All the while our fans will be smiling mile wide smiles

Touchdown again and again here we come

Touchdown we are in total control

Touchdown in the winning zone we are champions

Touchdown the champions have Touchdown.

Anthony S.Phillander©10022023

Thursday, February 09, 2023

Blooming Sales


Blooming sales

Blooming sales are shifting the needle on the success scale

It’s continuously expanding just like an enormous whale

For our blooming sales the sky is not the limit and that’s great

We took this product to market and sales took off like a rocket

What we produced seems like the market was ready for it

Our team put their heads together and came up with magic

We are on an exciting ride and enjoying our magic carpet

We took a chance took a shot in the dark and hit the target

Blooming sales are shifting the needle on the success scale

On every hill and dale the world over we got blooming sales

Blooming sales in every town and country it’s unchanged

We got blooming sales now we got it made in the shade

It took trial and error until finally we discovered a winner

We never permit ourselves the luxury of losing our fire

We stuck it out we hung in there now we are a sales leader

We got orders to fill way into the distant future

We are experiencing a blooming sales boom

Even Bloomingdales is envious of our blooming sales

Blooming sales got us shining like a supernova

Blooming sales keeps on our toes filling orders.

Anthony S.Phillander©07022023

Saturday, February 04, 2023



Big news, New York

Big news New York congratulation

On the world stage you are blowing up

You were always in the top spot

Now you are growing larger you are really blowing up

In everything you are always on top

On top of that now you are topping up

You are at the top and higher you are rising fast

New York you are always the one to watch

Big news New York congratulations

On the world stage on you all eyes are focused

You continually occupies the spot the world covets

Every moment you are expanding you are really blowing up

In everything like a true leader you are always on top

You are constantly improving always surpassing the mark

Although you are the leader higher you keep rising up

New York all eyes are on you yes you are the one to watch

Again big news big news New York

New York big news big news New York

Big news New York congratulations

Exemplary New York big up.

Anthony S.Phillander©31012023


        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...