Saturday, September 24, 2022

Hap pi ness is a warm SOMETHING!


Happiness is a warm something

Happiness is a warm something

Happiness is a warm something especially when it’s freezing

Find something warm and cozy snuggle up in it find happiness

In no time you will be filled with happiness in a warm something

If ever you are sad a warm something will make you smile again

A warm something will bring you happiness time and time again

Find something warm and it will lift your spirit with happiness

A kitten warm snuggly cute and cuddly is just pure happiness

Happiness is a warm something no fooling

In the winter when it’s freezing happiness is a warm something

Find something warm and cozy snuggle up in it find happiness

In no time you will be smiling when you find a warm something

A warm something will work wonders for your happiness

Always keep a warm something close it’s worth it

For your happiness never be without a warm something

A warm something is just pure happiness

Happiness, happiness is a warm something

Happiness is a warm something so exciting

I see you are smiling did you find happiness

Find a warm something find happiness

Happiness is a warm something.

Anthony S.Phillander©21092022

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