Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Come see what the world is coming to


Come see what the world

Is coming to

Come see what the world is coming to

You do not want to miss out do you?

Then come see what the world is coming to

We want you to see what the world is coming to

The world is coming to Toronto

In Toronto you will be absolutely amazed

You will see what you never thought possible

Another world you will be seeing when you come to Toronto

Come see what the world is coming to

You will see the world in Toronto we are waiting to welcome you

When you come see what the world is coming to

We want you to see what the world is coming to

The world is coming to Toronto

In Toronto you will see what the world has never seen before

You will be transported out of your senses into another world

Another world we will make visible to you in Toronto

Call your travel agent as soon as possible

Join the world don’t miss out it is coming to Toronto

Get in on the excitement come see what the world is coming to

Why don’t you come see for yourself what the world is coming to?

Hurry quit thinking about it come see what the world is coming to

By now I guess you know the world is coming to Toronto.

Anthony S.Phillander©28102017

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Class action suit.


Class action suit

Teacher we are bringing a class action suit against you

You suit us perfectly we don’t want you to go

Forever we want you to stay and be our teacher

School won’t be the same without you

We need and want you if you go we will miss you

We don’t really want to sue you it’s the truth

Still we will do whatever it takes to keep you

Nothing personal teacher we just can’t do without you

Teacher we are bringing a class action suit against you

We don’t want you to go you perfectly suit us

We want you to forever continue being our teacher

Without you teacher school won’t have any class

If you go we will miss you we want and we need you

Really and truly we don’t want to sue you

We don’t know what else we can do to keep you

Teacher this is nothing personal we just need you

Will you be staying teacher what’s your answer.

Anthony S.Phillander©16032022

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Don't forget to bring ICE.


Don’t forget to bring ice

Don’t forget to bring ice when you coming

My temperature is real hot and it’s rising

I am burning up and down I really need cooling

Don’t forget to bring ice when you coming

I don’t know if it’s the hot wine I am drinking

My head’s spinning and all over I am tingling

Electricity went and my refrigerator isn’t working

Hurry up and come remember to bring ice when you coming

Don’t forget to bring ice when you coming

Be nice bring ice look how my temperature rising

I am seriously burning up maybe its fever I am getting

I am telling you twice when you coming don’t forget to bring ice

My head’s spinning and all over I am just tingling

I don’t know it it’s the hot wine I am drinking

All over I am feeling like I am on fire am just burning

Come now and don’t forget to bring ice when you coming

It will be nice when you bring ice when you coming

Don’t forget to bring ice when you coming

Remember don’t forget to bring ice when you coming

Don’t forget to bring ice when you coming

You coming.

Anthony S.Phillander©14032022

Thursday, March 10, 2022

La ,La, La, La, La, in the children's place.


La, La, La, La, La,

In the children’s place

La, La, La, La, La, in the children’s place

Give the children space to be children that’s for sure

Let the children take all the time they need to grow

In no time the children won’t be children anymore

La, La, La, La, La, let the children play

Let the children learn at whatever pace they can

Give the children time to just enjoy being children

The children’s lifetime let the children gladly welcome

La, La, La, La, La, in the children’s place

There’s no need for the children to be in any haste

Their childhood don’t be not in any hurry to erase

All they got is one childhood and it’s very precious

La, La, La, La, La, childhood memories will last a lifetime

Let the children have many that they will remember fondly

In time the reality of experience will replace innocence

In these precious moments allow the children to be children

La, La, La, La, La, in the children’s place

Let the children play let the children learn

Let the children sing let the children enjoy being children

Because children all they enjoy being is children.

Anthony S.Phillander©22062008



        Incompetence Incompetence is inefficient in its disguise as intelligence Flamboyant and grandiose as it displays its ignorance ...